Chapter FiftyFive- Welcome Kiddo.

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"Who spoke the curse?" A voice said, though it sounded muffled through the ringing of my ears.

"There's been different stories. Some say Artemis Black, others say Damien Goyle. Even had a few say that Remus Lupin or Peter Pettigrew could be the culprits."

"Peter and Remus? Neither one of those boys are capable of speaking such a dastardly curse."

I heard shuffling and other comments being made though not clearly through my struggled hearing. I felt the hospital bed under me and a sharp pain start throbbing from my abdomen.

"Will the boy live, Poppy?" The voice asked. There was a pause.

"I've dealt with Lupin in worse conditions...the boy should be fine."

I drearily opened my eyes. A heavy weight sitting on top of them. Gravity seeming too powerful to achieve the simple task with ease.

Was Remus hurt? Did I hurt him? I can't remember anything after I was pulled off of Damien. I completely blacked out, memories being nothing but a blur of vision, the sound of my blood pumping and then a green nothingness. Now a voice spoke of treating Remus in worse conditions and asking if a boy was going to survive?

I pulled up the weight of my body onto my elbows, a panic rushing through me. I looked around the room, I had been covered by hospital screens and couldn't see past my sectioned area. I had been changed into a white gown and had bandages across my arms and as I felt my stomach, across there too.

My vision was double for a few seconds, adjusting to the florescent lights of the room. Seeming to have a strange pale blue tone coating my vision as it adjusted. Dark green and black blobs from light damage danced across my eyesight.

Pins and needles accumulated statically in my toes and fingers as I dragged myself up into a seated position, my feet gently touching the cold sanitary floor. I gagged a little at the motion, my body reacting negatively to the forced movement.

Slowly I managed to stand up, holding onto the bed frame for support like a toddler who was learning the ropes and balancing for the first time. Instantly light headed and verging delirious.

Standing didn't feel real and all too real at the same time. As if my mind and body weren't in the same timeframe, a lag happening between them both.

I stood with my eyes closed for a few seconds. I had to go see Remus, if he was hurt I had to go find him. I had to be with him no matter how much of a struggle it might be to get there.

Eventually I managed to pull the hospital screen apart a little, in order to slip out into the main area. Madam Pomfrey was distracted and busy creating tonics in her tiny office in the corner towards the far side of the room, so she didn't see me wobble over to the other sectioned off bed.

I pulled back the screen...only to see Damien in the bed, looking worse than I felt. There were blood soaked bandages all over his bare chest, arms and even some soaked plasters across his face.

I glanced down to my own slightly bloody bandage and pulled it away from my skin...revealing nothing but a faint white line. So faint it was hard to focus on in the bright lights...much like the many faint white lines over Remus' face and hands.

Had Remus been in this situation before? Had Remus been hit by a curse?

I stumbled silently over to Damien's bed. He was still knocked out with no sign of coming to yet, like I had done only moments ago.

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