Little Fox Big Wolf~Making her like him~Chapter twenty five

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Hello lil foxes and welcome back to Little Fox Big Wolf, I can't believe just last chapter we were at 289 views and now we've hit 300🎉 It may be a little short but I promise they will not always be this short, but anyway lets get on with the chapter...

Aaron and Summer are walking down the beach when Summer gets a call, "Huh who's calling me?" She takes her phone out of her bag to look at the ID caller, "It's my Mom I wonder what she wants? I can't do another girl's night she got me way way too drunk and that's the drunkest I've ever seen her and I swear she started flirting with a statue outside the bar" she presses accepts and puts it onto speaker so Aaron can hear too.

Summer; Hey Mom why are you calling me randomly did you butt dial me again?

Mom; No I was calling if you could go pick some things up from the little store outside the hotel I thought you could come around and we could have a BBQ you can even bring your friends and that one guy...if you like...

Summer; His name is Aaron Mom I've told you twenty times now anyway fine what do you need?

Mom; I need sausages, beef patties, and some steaks bring some bread as well for them I will pay you when you get to my place

Summer; Okay Mom Cya in a while...

"Well, I think we better go how bad could it be?" Aaron nods and they make their way to the grocery store, when they come out Summer asks, "Did we get everything we saw so many random things I forgot what we even bought" Aaron looks in the bag and nods to her, "Yeah everything your mom wanted, Do you want to call the pack over?" Summer shakes her head, "I'll call Kayla who'll let the girls know over you can message Zenix to bring the boys if you like?" Aaron nods and as they walk they call Zenix and Kayla and the rest agree to come over. When they all end up meeting in the middle they all make their way over to Summer's Mom's place, as they reach there Summer s mom comes out, "Come on I've already got the grill going I'm just waiting for those sweet sweet sausages" she runs back into the outdoor patio happily and the rest of them follow they dump the groceries next to the BBQ when they and her mom starts to cook them.

"It's so nice of you all to join me tonight, I was going to eat alone but then I remembered about the BBQ on the balcony and thought wouldn't it be nice to have a nice night with my daughter and her friends" Summer rolls her eyes, "Mom you're not incapable of making your own friends you know" Her mom laughs nervously as she places plates on the table, "Whaaat as your Mother, Well Auntie but Still! Your mother, I really want to get to know some of your friends and this Aaron guy" Summer groans Connor looks concerned he sniffs the air, "Is something Burning?" Her mom's eyes go wide "MY FOOD!" she rushes to the grill quickly, "Oh, this is terrible! The steaks and sausages are all ruined...It's okay, I'll just order take something" Aaron gets up from the table "Did you use them all?" her mom shakes her head showing him the stuff that was left, "There's still a little bit left but I'll just end up burning them again..." Aaron takes what's left, "I'll do them... you go sit down and they'll be done in no time" Her mom sighs and goes and sits down.

Aaron comes back to the table with a plate filled with burgers and hot dogs, "H-how did you these are delicious" Aaron chuckles as he sits back down at the table with the others, "My dad always burns the food. So, I've learned to cook myself even learned to salvage burnt food" Everyone starts to dig in and eat, "Mmmm you'll have to teach my mom she tends to burn the food quite often" Her mom looks at her pouting, "not always...." Summer looks at her, "really?" her mom sighs, "Okay maybe I could take a few tips.." Aaron laughs and takes another hot dog, "I'd be happy to teach you"

Okay, thats all for today sorry it was so short but anyways until next time Goodbye....🦊🥀

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