A Bite of Candy Apple; Revenge is Sweet.

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        This book is dedicated to the very sweet girl who made my book cover. She helped a stranger in need of artistic help. You do not see very much of that these days. Arias3. Thanks girl. Make sure you read her work as well.

Chapter one: A Bite of Candy Apple; Revenge is sweet

She stood at the slightly open doorway with a look of dismay on her plump face. Anger and heat began to climb from her chest to the top of her head. They are laughing at me?

Candy, as cruel a name to give an overweight child as one can possibly think of, stood back and begged her throat to close off and not reveal her sobbing heart.  

She had come back to the classroom of Mr. Frost, her eleventh grade math teacher to retrieve her text book she had neglected to pick up. She felt a new wave of mortification role through her blood as she remembered why she had forgotten to pick up her book. The cutest boy in the school, Brian, had been staring at her. She was stunned into stupidity of his interest. However; as the conversation rolled forward through the door before she could open it the rest of the way, she heard Brian laughing with his friends about how she had left-over lunch stuck to her chin. He had not been staring at her in interest but disgust.          

She held her hand to her mouth as she listened to her crush talk about how disgusting she was.    

“I mean does she really think I do not notice her looks and stares. It makes me sick just to think about that plump body anywhere near mine.” He actually shuddered as his friends laughed again.

“Okay, boys head to your next class please.” Mr. Frost walked out of his closet and into the room. “No matter your personal feelings for Ms. Monroe, you must keep your own confidence on matters of delicacy.” Candy exhaled and felt immediate relief and then Mr. Frost said the unthinkable, “Even if she has no mind for what she eats and her lack of looks.”          

  Candy bolted down the hallway, forgetting her book. She finally reached the blessed doors and felt the unforgiving heat from the midday sun. It was bright, but for anything Candy felt it could have been a gray day with thunderous clouds.  

Candy gasped for breath and purchase for her shaking legs. Shame closed in on her, and sickness fell to her stomach in cruel waves. She could not possibly go back into that school. The Monroe-Wells Academy was no longer her sanctuary. She gulped down her tears and called her father’s assistant. She had to explain that she was sick beyond reason and had to be taken home. With her leave ensured she waited for her limo to come.  

Her parents were wealthy and had purchased land and built a school for their daughter to attend, since no other school was right for them. Candy was a very smart young lady and had no problems with grades. Her parents were perfect, her mother a former model/dancer/ failed actress, married her father at the height of her career. He loved her unconditionally, and she felt the same. It was quite uncomfortable with their show of affection for one another. Her father ran a multibillion-dollar business and was at no time home. Her mother traveled across the world with her father and in turn was never there as well.  

Finally, an hour later she was safely enclosed into her parent's limo with her head bent in shame and sadness. She had known she was overweight, but she had not realized that she was disgusting. Sure her mother had lightly told her she could send her to a specialty spa and have the extra pounds melted away from her body. She had even offered cosmetic surgery to enhance her features after her weight loss. Candy had put her off, thinking she was being too superficial. However, it seemed to this young plump seventeen-year-old girl; did indeed need help. Anger began to well in her breast as she walked inside her parent’s massive mansion (also known as Monroe Manor) and noticed as usual no one was about, save the servants. They were taught to work as unseen people. Candy’s nanny left some time ago; her father felt she was old enough to start taking care of herself.    

A Bite of Candy Apple. (Student / Teacher romance) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now