Chapter Twenty-Four: Candy's Wedding Nears and Sam Makes a Decision.

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Candy’s Wedding Nears and Sam Makes a Decision.

Sam flipped

Candy announced that her wedding to Ethan was going to take place at the end of the summer. She had heard her parents took the news well and were extremely happy to have Ethan as a son-in-law. Sam had been to countless dress fittings; she was Candy’s maid-of-honor, and she felt grateful that her friend asked her.

As the months passed, she thought more and more on whether or not she would be going to TISCH. Her parents had expressed their interest in her leaving, but Sam was almost certain that Jack Riggs was the man for her. He was sweet and listened well when she was upset. He had met her every time she had text-ed him for an ear to talk to and a shoulder to cry on.

Last week, she called and met him at the local mall; they ate in the food court, and had shopped as well. He was quickly becoming more than a friend to her, and she did not want to make the first move, so she was bidding her time.

Sam was sitting with Candy and her family, in her home as they planned the wedding, as her maid-of-honor she was duty-bound to help Candy where she could, she was wide open; she had graduated from school and had more time on her hands, then she cared for.

“Do you think we ought to invite the police force that helped in my rescue?” Candy asked.

“I think that would be a wonderful idea, dear,” her mother stated.

Ethan as well as her father agreed. Sam felt it was Candy’s way of matchmaking; Jack would be coming to the wedding, and Sam would be there as well; Candy knew her feelings towards Jack; Sam was honest about her affections.

The invitations were sent out, and one night before the wedding Sam called Jack for another, ‘talk.’ This time she met him at the park, near night fall. It was a magical setting.

“Candy’s wedding is planned, have you received your invitation?” she asked.

Jack nodded his head as he said, “I have.”

“Will you be coming?” she held her breath.

“I will be; the whole department is attending,” he answered.

“Maybe, I’ll save a dance for you,” she teased.

Jack flipped

Jack was sitting on a park bench under a blanket of stars; it smacked of intimacy, and he felt uncomfortable. He knew in his heart that Sam was developing a crush on him, and he felt sick. He did not want her to have the wrong idea, but she seemed so lost.

“Perhaps,” was his only answer.

Sam turned to him with a quizzical look on her face. She tilted her head and said, “I want to thank you, Jack for meeting me, almost once a week over the months.”

“You’re welcome; I hope my FRIENDSHIP has helped.” He wanted to emphasize friend to her.

“It has been,” she finished awkwardly.

“Well, Sam I hate to cut this short, but I must go home; I have reports to finish,” he finished lamely.

Sam stood and did something she had never done before she embraced him in a very tight hug, “I will see you at the wedding then, Jack.” When she pulled away from him, she kissed him near the corner of his mouth. He felt a zing clear down to his toes. When she pulled fully away, there was no mistaking the love in her eyes, and that alone terrified Jack.

  He patted her back and turned to walk away; he made a mistake, a very big mistake. This girl was starved for love and attention, and he should have NEVER offered to help her. He felt a kinship to her, since they had both had trauma in their lives, but she was a young girl, and he was old enough to have known better. He needed to discourage Sam, and the only thought that came to his head when he opened the door to his home was he needed a date for the wedding, and he needed one quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2013 ⏰

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