Chapter Thirteen: He Took Her!

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Chapter Thirteen: He took her!

Ethan sat in his apartment all alone with thoughts of Candy, her beauty and her voice. He stared at the ceiling not able to grade his tests. Candy's name was missing from the pile, and he knew she had not taken the test because of him. His heart was in tatters, and he did not know how he could make it better. Even after everything he still loved her, but he couldn’t trust her. His mind in turmoil he turned on the television to the late-night news was on.

Paul flipped

He took her into a concrete room where no one could hear them, or her scream. She was as lite as a feather and that was when he really noticed her. Candy’s eyes were sunken in and dark; her cheek bones were more prominent; her ribs were showing under her shirt; her hip bones were jutting. She looked as if she had lost a quite a bit of weight. What prompted this change? He would bet the teacher was to blame.  

As he entered the room, he set her in the chair and started to duct tape her legs and her arms to anchor her down. He had finished his work and noticed she was bleeding pretty badly from both sides of the head, one from the bat trauma and the other from hitting the ground. He winced in remorse, but stood and set up his camera; he had to send a threat and later a ransom, but first he needed to videotape Candy. He should be able to make the late-night news.

Ethan flipped

When the news started Ethan moved to go to the bathroom, when a breaking news update came on the screen, “This is a breaking news story that was sent to the news desk ten minutes ago, currently we have a videotape of the alleged kidnapping of Candy Monroe. We first reported that a letter of demand was sent to the news office followed by this tape to authenticate she is indeed Ms. Monroe. She has been identified as the eighteen year-old daughter of billionaire mogul Christian Monroe. Take a look.

Ethan's heart was pounding, please let this be a prank, please don’t show Candy.

Candy’s crumpled image, taped to a wooden chair appeared on the screen. Ethan’s heart stopped inside of his heart as his knees hit the floor. His blood ran cold at the sight of her. She was slumped down, but a man in a mask walked over to her body and lifted her head. Her poor face had a large molten bruise at the base with blood thickly sticking to her face and hair. It was hard to see her, but he knew it was Candy.

“This young woman is Candy Monroe; I kidnapped her with the express interest in talking with her father and no one else. I will send further instruction once her father is reached.”

The camera went black, and they came back to the journalists. It was deadly silent for a moment until the woman said, “This news was just handed to us that Mr. Monroe has left Vienna and is now en route with his wife, Kristy Monroe; they are scheduled to land shortly. Until then, we will keep you posted on this developing story.

Just then his doorbell rang; Ethan went to answer it, and a girl about Candy’s age was standing behind it with tears streaking down her face and her body trembling.

Sam flipped

She woke up in the hotel room alone; her phone was gone as well as the rental-car keys. Sam’s heart was in her throat. She knew without a doubt that Paul was gone. She searched frantically for her wallet to find none. A cold chill went down her spine when she looked into the trash can to find a receipt for a florist shop in town, Paul had not given her flowers, who did he send them too. An image of Candy flashed into her mind, and her heart broke. She needed to get to a phone. She ran for the main office and asked to use their phone, as she dialed her parent’s home, she saw a breaking news update, “We have just received a word that billionaire mogul Christian Monroe’s eighteen-year-old  Candy Monroe has been kidnapped and being held until her father can be reached.” They showed a photo on the screen that the kidnapper sent, and it was Candy.  

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