Chapter Twelve: Ethan Believes the Worst

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Chapter Twelve: Ethan believes the worst.

As the days went so did Candy’s belief that she would be able to repair her relationship with Sam, and she was still receiving the ‘love letters; from her admirer, every day, they would have been wonderful had they been from Ethan. However, these were creepy and suggested stalking. She felt sick and wanted to tell someone about her suspicions. She just didn’t know who. Even flowers and candy had come with the last letter.

Ethan and her relationship was progressing well, neither of them had said the words, “I love you.” However, it was felt.

As Candy entered the school, there was a distinct change in the air. She could feel something different going on. Candy was headed to first period when she passed Brian’s locker, which was distinctive because the boys stopped talking as soon as she passed them. Curious Candy turned down the hall and stopped so she could hear them.

“Dude everyone knows you were at the bar with some hot blonde, and then you threw up all over her dress, is it real? Everyone knows it’s true.”

“Man, I don’t wanna talk about it k? Fuck man I was sick that day, and the chick was just a dumb fuck at that. I told you all that.”

Candy’s face went red and purple. She never slept with him! He had been spreading that rumor?

“Tell us the chicks name man. We have been asking you for weeks now, dude. Give her up, man.”

Brian looked at his friends and said, “Man why does that effin’ matter? Just some random chick.”

“Same ol’ story different day, I told you he would puss out.”

Brian’s face contorted and went red, and then he yelled, “It was Candy Monroe, alright. It was her.”

Candy was frozen in place she could not speak or move. How could he do that? She was supposed to embarrass him. That was the moment when she had enough. If she was going to be known for sleeping with him, she would make him pay!

She turned from the hallway and walked right up to a stunned Brian and his silent friends, “Yeah, Brian you may have had sex that night, but I certainly didn’t get anywhere with your small dick and premature ejaculation. Did he tell you he came before he put the condom on in his pants?"

Brian looked like he was ready to die, and his friends were laughing up a storm. She had done it; she had gotten her revenge. However, the feeling was empty and sickening. What if Ethan was to find out? Before she flipped around she felt a presence behind her. She knew who it was before she saw his face. The commotion was right by his classroom, and he must have heard her yelling.

Ethan flipped

There was yelling going on out in the hallway, and he had to put a stop to it. As he opened the door, he saw Candy's walk over to the boys and say, “Yeah, Brian you may have had sex that night, but I certainly didn’t get anywhere with your small dick and your premature ejaculation. Did he tell you he came before he put the condom on in his pants?"

A Bite of Candy Apple. (Student / Teacher romance) Completed!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora