Chapter Nineteen: Moving in Rhythm

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Warning this chapter contains sexual content. Rated R material

Chapter Nineteen: Moving in Rhythm 

Candy flipped

Sam had been in her room for almost two hours now and it felt as if they had not missed any time together. She could tell that Sam was trying to keep her mind off Ethan since Candy had not seen him in a few days.  

“How are you feeling, Candy?” She asked.

“I’m still sore, when they finally brought me in, they found out that I had been stabbed more than once and there was a lot of additional damage. They had to open my chest to start my heart again.”

Sam had a look of absolute horror upon her face. In some recess of her mind, she knew Candy had been hurt by Paul, but the television screen had somehow added an un-reality feel to the situation. Tears began to gather behind her eyes, and Candy said, “Sam! Why are you crying? Stop, we’re here to visit not have a postmortem!” Candy was trying desperately to stop the flow of tears; she had enough upset and regret for a lifetime.

“That’s not funny, Candy. He could have killed you, and I am responsible,” Sam gasped.

“Oh, Hell, between you and my parents and lastly Ethan, everyone believes they are to blame! Look, everything happens for a reason, whether it be a prophecy or a cosmic occurrence it happened and no amount of blaming or self-loathing will change that. It happened and now I am okay, so we move on, and cross our fingers that it never happens again,” Candy laughed.

Sam looked to her friend who was unbelievable she was lying in a hospital bed after having her chest cut open to coax her heart into beating. She went through sixteen hours of torture at Paul’s hand before that! She had lost the most important people in her life all at once, and she was still cracking jokes in a dull hospital room. Her best friend was incredible and Sam knew she would never make the mistake of believing some random man over Candy again, or anyone else, for that matter.

Sam leaned in and gently hugged her friend and tried to change the topic at hand. “So, when we get you sprung from this place, and you’re up to it, where do you want to go first? We need some serious bonding time, girly!”

Candy laughed at her friend and said, “Well, the new; Hugh Jackman movie is coming soon, probably by the time I leave this hospital and am well enough, we can go ogle him for two solid hours!” When she ended she grimaced from the pain through her chest.

Sam saw her friend's discomfort and said, “Are you alright, Candy?”  

“Ah, yes, I am just a little sore; I have yet to look at the Doctors handy work since the surgery, but my father told me they had plastic surgeons work on me for minimal scaring; I know I am not a vain person; I just hope I don’t have crazy freak scars like Freddy Krueger!”

They sat and talked for a while longer until a nurse came in with her medication, “Visiting hours are over, miss,” the nurse said.

“Thank you for coming, Sam, it was good to see you and catch up; I should be leaving here shortly we need to have a junk fest and a Hugh Jackman movie-a-thon.”

A Bite of Candy Apple. (Student / Teacher romance) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now