Chapter Twenty-Two: Days Turn into Months

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Day’s Turn into Months.

Ethan flipped

Candy was on the mend and all was well, between them. As the days progressed into months, so did his passion for her. This looking but no touching business was killing him. He had respect for her parents and while they were not married and living on the same grounds, he had told Candy it would be best to wait until she was finished with school, and they were married. She was due to graduate in a few months he had gone back to work, while she had stayed home to recover. It had been hard to leave her during the day, but he had a job to do. He tried to explain his feelings to Candy, but she became angry.

“What the… Ethan, there is no way I can wait for that long. I understand your moral feelings towards my parent’s concerns, but I NEED you! I am burning up inside. I thought you were trying to be careful for my wound's sake.” She rolled her eyes and bent her head back. He was being intolerable.

“I’m sorry dear; I just feel…where are you going?!" He yelled after her retreating form.

“I am going to go talk to my overbearing father and mother; we are engaged for Christ's sake; I am going to test out of school this minute and take an early graduation. This is ridiculous.”

He dogged her steps as she walked into her father’s office, it was the weekend, and they had taken to staying at home. Candy approached the door and slammed her fist against it.

“Just a minute!” her mother yelled.

“Candy, darling, please…” Ethan tried to speak.

Candy stayed him with a glare. Ethan knew better than to press her when she gave him that look.

“Come in,” her father yelled.

Candy opened the door and stopped at the frame; they looked disheveled. Her mother’s hair was fussed and her lipstick was gone, and her eyes were glossed over. Her father was wearing her mother’s said lipstick and had his shirt front un-buttoned.  

“Oh, um, sorry, mom, dad, uh…” Candy shuddered.

Ethan placed his hand at her elbow and tried to steer his fiancée from the room, but Candy snapped out of her embarrassment.  

“Wait, hey, I want to talk to you, and this little scene confirms it. Ethan is under the impression that showing ANY affection to me would be disrespectful to you, since we are living here, and I am still in school. So this is my plan, since I am eighteen-years-old and am planning on testing out of school, as soon as possible, I want to move into the guest house with Ethan…” She was stopped momentarily by her father’s fierce glare, but it did not deter her in the least, “No, don’t speak yet, I am eighteen-years old and engaged. If I test out of school, I CAN and WILL move out of here and Ethan will come with me. I love you, both and I want to build the relationship we all want, but you can’t expect me to live like this. It would be like me asking you guys to not hook up in your office.”

A Bite of Candy Apple. (Student / Teacher romance) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now