Chapter Seventeen: She Died

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Warning this chapter contains sexual content. Rated R. Material

Chapter Seventeen: She Died.

Ethan flipped

                Candy died.

                She had died twice and was now resting in recovery. When her father asked for the best, he indeed got what he requested. She flat lined in flight and then again, during surgery. She had lost so much blood and her cuts and bruising went too deep. They had to saw her rib cage open and pump her heart. Ethan had been terrified when the alarm had gone off, he thought his Candy had died, but she hadn’t she pulled through and was now on the road to recovery.

                “Ethan you look very tired, the Doctors say she is out of danger, if you would like to go home and rest, she would understand,” Kristy stated.

                He shook his head slowly, “I can’t leave her; I have to stay and…” he stopped; he couldn’t make her understand.

                She nodded her head and slumped down into the couch and sighed, “I know how you feel; someone would have to tear, me out of this room.” She looked around and then said, “I wonder where Christian left to?”

                As she said the words the man of topic walked into the room and said, “I am tired of this room, we all need to rest, so I have talked to the hospital administration, and they have agreed to give us the on-call apartment, just a few doors up from where Candy will be placed for a while as she heals. They think she will be here for at least a week until she can recover at home.”

                “Christian, Ethan will be staying here with us; he cannot leave her, and I would never force him.” Kristy stated.

                “Of course, Ethan it was implied that you stay, the on-call apartment has four separate sleeping rooms, two different bathrooms and a shared kitchen and common area. I will call the school now and inform them you are taking a leave of absence, paid of course, and inform them to find a temporary replacement. I have also instructed them to be a business as usual."

                “Thank you, sir, I appreciate that. I was never worried about my job, just Candy. I knew if our relationship came to light that I would lose it, and I was willing to; I love her so much.”

                As Christian peeled a banana and gave half to his wife, he smiled in approval, “I like you, son. You have a direct honesty that I admire, and I am sorry I punched you; I was very angry that Candy was dating anyone, let alone her teacher.”

                “I had the exact same reservations about the situation, but as I learned more about her, I fell deeply in love and could not seem to let her go, until I believed the lies and thought the worst. I hope she listens to me, and I can spend the rest of my life making it up to her.”

                Christian looked at his wife who was happily eating her banana and said, “You can, and you will, son. It will be a difficult road to win back her heart, but you will; we will try to help you as much as we can, but Candy needs to decide for herself.” He looked once again at his wife who was blushing and smiling, “But it is worth it.”

A Bite of Candy Apple. (Student / Teacher romance) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now