Chapter Sixteen: Hell and Serenity

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Chapter Sixteen: Hell and Serenity

Candy flipped

She was lying in a field of grass with the wind blowing across her body while clouds of marsh mellow hung above her head. She took in a deep breath of crisp clean air along with the scent of daisy’s and honey. Her body felt alive and also not at the same time; it was wonderful and confusing at once. She looked into the sky and noticed the sun peeling out from behind a cloud that looked just like a rocking horse. Birds chirped in the background while the beautiful meadow cradled her body.  

Distinct noises in the background stirred her out of her thoughts. Her body was lifted by the air as if she weighed nothing, Candy tried to listen for where the voices were coming from, but it was becoming softer and fainter. She tried to yell out; however, she had no speech. She was bereft of any sound. Just as suddenly as she was standing she was again in a prone position looking up at the clouds. She felt a sudden calm overcome her body as she sensed her heart beat deeply inside her chest. A soothing cold began to thrum through her blood stream as she started to feel her eyes shut on a sigh of bliss. There was no fear here, no judgment, and most importantly no suffering.  

Candy, Candy….

She was beyond noise; she was completely contented.

Ethan flipped

Mr. Monroe was on the phone with the chairman of the board over the hospital that Candy was being flown to.  

“I want the absolute best surgeons to work on her; I want everything to be done for her that can be done for her, right.”

He cut the connection and said, “They have just landed with her, and they are rushing her into emergency surgery. She…” Mr. Monroe stopped and held his chiseled jaw shut.  

“What, Christian?”

Ethan looked at Candy’s father and knew there was much more.  

“Christian, please, I would rather you tell me than a Doctor, tell me what we need to expect. I am sure Ethan wants to know as well.”

“As you know, you know she was stabbed in her lower abdomen, they are saying he caught her liver, and she bled out a lot before they could give her a blood transfusion during flight. They say the Doctor will tell us more as her surgery progresses. I have instructed them to have the best surgeons there,” he finished on a catch.

Mrs. Monroe began to cry subtly next to her husband, Ethan’ heart was beating heavily inside of his chest. Candy could die without knowing how he felt; she would leave this place without knowing how much he loved her; he would spend the rest of his life alone, without her.

 “She can’t die; she just can’t. I have so much to say to her, so very much,” Ethan shuddered. Ethan held his head in his hands and tried to focus on breathing, but he couldn’t seem to stop the nausea from slowly rising.  

A Bite of Candy Apple. (Student / Teacher romance) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now