Chapter Twenty: Breakfast at Tiffany's

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Chapter Twenty: Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Candy flipped

The bandages were removed and the scaring was going to be minimal and Candy could not wait to return home. She felt as if she had spent a decade in the staid cold room. She had yet to see Ethan, and she had thought he had given up. It was a bitter reality to her, but a reality none-the-less.  

“Candy, the Doctor has released you; we can go home now,” her mother said.

She smiled at her mother and said, “I ‘m sorry; I was in thought.”

“Anything you care to share with your mom?”

“No, not really, I was hoping to see Ethan again, but I think he has given up on me,” she sighed.

“You never know, don’t give up hope, Candy. Besides I thought you didn't want to see him again?”  

Candy held her tongue, she had never actually said she never wanted to see him again, she said she was tired and Ethan must have taken her rebuff to heart. So either way you looked at it, it was her fault.  

She was helped into a wheel chair and pushed out to her parents awaiting limo. Candy was gingerly placed in, and her parents followed. The ride home was uneventful and when they approached the gate, Candy felt an immediate anxiousness. Something was different; the home looked the same; the yard looked the same, but she could feel a difference. She shrugged it off as her being home with her parents.  

That must be it! My parents have not been home in two years. Candy felt the explanation to be sufficient enough, for the time being.

She was helped out of the car and brought into the home where they took her to her room for rest. Her parents followed, and Candy saw the knit of concern on their brows.

“What’s wrong?” Candy asked.

“Nothing is wrong we are simply making sure you are comfortable; we are still very worried about you, sweetie. We haven’t been the most attentive parents, and we want to make sure you are alright. A lot has happened or will still happen, and we want the best for you.” Candy’s mom said.

Will happen? That was cryptic.    

“I’m fine, mom; it has been a very bad month.” She tried for a levity that nobody felt. “I’m not made of glass; I survived, and now I am fine. I wish things could have been different, but wishing and happening are two separate things. Now I am feeling kind of tired and a bit nauseated; I think a pill, and some sleep is what I need.”

Her parents left the room for her to rest.

Ethan flipped

 Ethan sat in his new home and viewed his surroundings; the house was a million times bigger than his apartment, and as a math teacher saying that meant a lot. He had seen the limo come in and had to force himself to stay in the room. He understood that Candy needed to heal and asking her to marry him now, would not be wise.

He watched his beloved exit the car with a wince and a groan; a wheelchair was rushed to her, and she sat heavily in it. Ethan had no idea of how long it would take for her to heal, but he hoped it was quickly; he felt sick at the idea that she may not accept him back, because the entire incident was his fault. It wasn’t rational, but it was his guilty conscience playing havoc with his thought process.  

His phone rang a moment later, “Hello,” Ethan said.  

“Ethan, this is your mother; we were given this number from an assistant, care to explain to us what is going on?”

A Bite of Candy Apple. (Student / Teacher romance) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now