Chapter Seven: Sam returns home.

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Chapter Seven: Sam returns home.

 The next day at school Candy stole moments with Ethan throughout the day. In first period, she came into the classroom early for passionate kisses and quick touches. Later after second period she waited for everyone to leave the gym, she then followed Ethan to his office to experience another few moments in his arms.  

                It was quite noticeable that Brian was once again absent for the day. Candy received a text from him during her fourth period Spanish class that he was still ill and was resting up for their date.                                

                 As the day progressed, she felt a greater feeling of apprehension about being with Brian on Saturday. She tried telling herself that Brian deserved to be hurt as she was, she felt his friends were deserving as well.  

                Candy was at her locker putting on more lip gloss as she saw Steve, one of Brian’s friends walking down the hall. They made eye contact, and she decided she could get him back without having to go out with him. She smiled at him as she applied a thick coat of lip gloss he slowed his progress as he watched her top lip slide against her bottom lip. Candy, then licked her lips slightly, she had him mesmerized. She took her hands and adjusted her shirt, flattening the front to the back.  

                Steve had no chance of seeing the other student open a door directly into his face. Candy jumped out of her skin and felt a moment of remorse on top of slight satisfaction.  

                He hit the door and then the floor. His nose was gushing blood as the teacher who opened the door. Candy didn't mean for it to happen; her plan was to scowl at him when he came to her locker and walk away.  

                He was taken to the nurse’s office post haste as she ran to her next class. With Steve taken care of she had only Brian and Dylan to deal with. She hoped and prayed that Ethan would never find out. Perhaps she should call off her date with Brian and let it go. Her head tried to remind her heart, of how she was broken five months ago. Her heart was wining, that was until she received a text from Sam.  

                Candy, girl I’m home and I have great news!

                You’re home! Oh, yay, Sam. I am still at school, but come on over to my house after school.

                You got it girl.

                It was an unexpected pleasure to have Sam home a few days early.  


                Candy walked to Ethan’s office through the back hallway they were to meet in his office. She moved through his closet and came to his office door. It was closed so she gently wrapped up on the door, and she was admitted by a very happy looking Mr. Frost.  

A Bite of Candy Apple. (Student / Teacher romance) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now