Chapter Nine: The truth may not always be the best.

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Warning Scenes of a sexual nature. Rated R material.

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Chapter Nine: The truth may not always be the best.

The day began badly for Candy as she was on her way to school the limo suddenly lost traction and had to pull off to the side of the road. Steven got out of the car to inspect the tire, and it was indeed flat.  

“Ms. Monroe, we have a flat tire I am going to attempt to repair it, but we are most assuredly going to be late to school.”

“It’s alright, Steven, just do the best you can? Do you think there is anything I can help with you?”

“No, miss, just stay in the cool car, and we will be on our way shortly.”

Candy sighed and slumped down into the seat. She looked at the window and saw the endless mansions and glistening expensive cars, and she wished herself somewhere else. She wished she was with Ethan at his simple apartment. Candy looked at her phone and noticed the school bell was due to ring in five minutes. She had better text Ethan and let him know she was stuck.

Ethan, I am not going to make it to school this morning. Our car has a flat tire; Steven is trying to fix it, but I am unsure of how long it will take. I’m sorry. I hope to be there by second period. I am going to text my father’s assistant to send an excuse to the school.

Oh, poor darling, I am sorry I am not there to help you. Just stay safe and I will look for you later.

After Candy sent a quick text to her father’s assistant she slid her phone back into her backpack and waited. She fiddled with her apple necklace and prayed her ill-fated evening with Brian was never exposed. It was a huge mistake even to contemplate that she could possibly go out with Brian. Thoughts of that night brought on memories of Sam and their continuing fight. Candy was sick with worry over the fact that she had a deep gut feeling that Paul Bennett was not who he said he was. He leered at her when he should have been staring at Sam he made her insides freeze with dread whenever he spoke. Candy was afraid to broach the subject with Sam however she was her friend and friends never lied or kept secrets from one another.  

With her resolve firmly in place she text-ed Sam as the car bounced.

Hi, Sam, I think we should talk and clear the air. Can you meet me at my locker during lunch?

Candy, I am supposed to see Paul for lunch. Can’t this wait?

Sam we have been friends since Kindergarten, we have gone and done everything together, please meet me?

Candy waited for what seemed like hours and then her phone finally buzzed.

I spoke with Paul and he thinks I should meet you, that our friendship is the most important thing in the world and that he will meet me after school. So I suppose we can talk, I will be your locker, as soon as I can.

Candy sighed and felt the anxiety run through her veins; she had no idea, of how she was going to tell Sam that Paul is a letch.

“Ms. Monroe, we are ready to go now.”

“Thank you, Steven.”

By the time Candy approached the school the second-period bell had rung. Candy jumped from the limo and ran for the gym. As she burst through the hallway and then into the locker room, she saw that she was not incredibly late, some of the girls were just exiting the locker room.  

She stripped out of her clothes and slid into her exercise outfit. She looked into the mirror inside her locker and noticed she forgot to pull her hair back. With no time to doddle she pulled the mass of hair in and then placed into a very messy bun. Candy shrugged her shoulders and ran into the gym.  

A Bite of Candy Apple. (Student / Teacher romance) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now