Dean ~ Protector ~ AU

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Imagine: Dean's a werewolf, not how Supernatural or Vampire Diaries sees them but how Twilight sees them. Born a werewolf. Y'all are 24 so that makes Sammy 20.  (Yes I say "y'all" a lot, because I'm from southwest Missouri US)

"Sam!" I yelled as I saw two of the vamps about to suck his blood and kill him. Sam looked so scared, I would probably have nightmares tonight but only ending in tragedy. I met sam in high school after I saved the poor freshman from a bully as I was a senior. His brother Dean was in my grade, and I've been infatuated with him since but like not in a creepy way of course.

He's a beautiful human being and I mean literally. He has these amazing puppy dog bright green eyes that every time I see them I'm entranced. I could talk about him all day and I wished Id seen him more.

"Hey jackasses!" The vamps turned around to me, both of them walking towards me, they were rabid rogue vamps that apparently didn't care they just let Sam Winchester go. I backed up into a wall and stuck my machete in front of me,
"Sammy run!" I was a more experienced hunter than Sam was which is I know, a pretty big deal. Well I'm like Dean, I followed my dads orders and everything but Sam on the other hand drifted away from his orders he received.

"Sam I'll be fine! Go! Im sure Dean needs help, he doesn't want you to get hurt!" I concentrated on what the vamps moves would be next as I saw Sam run out the door in the corner of my eye. The vamps look like dogs with rabies only in human form; they have foam coming from their mouths. One lunged and I ducked and moved quickly, I swung my machete at them but they seemed to have great reflexes and dodged the swing. One captured me and held my arms behind my back tightly, putting his fangs towards my neck as my machete dropped.

I heard growling come from behind me and I turned just enough to see a werewolf. Awe shit really? Three at the same time? I thought to myself and looked between the two supernatural beings. Sam was nowhere to be seen and neither is Dean, I haven't seen Dean since we walked into this place. I really hope he's ok.

One of the vamps backed away and then lunged at me and before I could fight back the wolf was guarding me from the vamps. The wolf turned in a circle before hitting them with its tail, making them fly back and hit a wall. The werewolf then made a dart for the vamps and if I didnt know any better I'd think hell hounds were just invisible wolves. There was blood everywhere and on the wolf's fur as he walked back over to me calmly.

I looked down at the wolf's beautiful face, I saw bright green eyes just like Deans. Exactly like Deans. I tilted my head in confusion before petting him,
"Good boy! What shall I call you hm?" I asked leaning down, smiling.

Normally I wouldn't have done this with a werewolf but this one was different and I felt connected to it. I was taken aback by a slobbery wet lick from my jaw to my forehead from the big doggo. I laughed and ran my fingers through it's soft dirty blonde fur as he panted. When I stood up only then I realized how big werewolves actually are, Im 5'4 and his shoulder is up to the middle of my stomach, his head about to my chest / collarbone.

"Who's a pretty boy?! You are you are!!" I said sweetly as Sam just then ran into the doorway, huffing out a breath. He looked between me and the wolf standing so close, the wolf had his body leaning against my leg.

"Y/n, we need to talk."


I watched in complete amazement and shock, watching Dean change back into a human. My eyes were most likely bulging out of their sockets.
"H-hey Y/n..." Dean said to me, smirking.
"D-dean, but how? You- I, uh, what?"
"I was born like this, I've gotten use to it so dont worry babe."
"No buts!" Dean told me with his finger pressed to my lips, oddly attractive to me. He stared at me for a couple minutes before he slowly took his finger away, looking at my lips.

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