Dean ~ Girl Crush

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"I got a girl crush. Hate to admit it but. I got a heart rush, ain't slowin down."

Dean sat back with a beer and his feet up on the table watching his bestfriend love on the sweet girl. Making her real laugh come out and making everyone else laugh as it was contagious.

Dean yearned to be his bestfriend because for Oliver, he found the one. For Dean, his last relationship was Lisa which to him she doesn't even come a fraction close to this girl.

She was beautiful, her skin was always so soft and clear. In the summer sun it was golden and she tanned but didn't burn. She was incredibly beautiful, but didnt have as much attention from men as people thought she would. To be honest men were afraid of her because she was too beautiful.

Her beauty alone made men question how they see themselves, ugly? Hot? Buff? Skinny? Gross? She also made girls question their sexual orientation. Dean's heart had been racing and beating for her since the day Oliver, Sam and him met her.

Maybe she was a siren Dean wondered. Luring innocent men to their deaths because all it took was one look into her eyes. She'd either kill them or put a kind of spell on them that made them be hung up on her for like the rest of their lives.

"I got it real bad. Want everything she has. That smile and that midnight laugh. She's giving you now."

Dean laid in his bed, his clock reading 2:08am. His brain was still filled with thoughts and pictures of her. Not to mention he could hear her loud laugh from a mile away. Her and Ollie had been up all night talking about who knows what but her laugh was the only audible thing. Dean pictures she was next to him instead of his best friend.

He closed his eyes and smiled, going into a world of his imagination which he hoped on everything he had that it'd be true. Maybe what he was feeling was the thought of wanting to have a love that special. Infatuation, but he wanted it to be love. He was in love with the idea of being in love, like everyone else.

And that he drifted off into his dreams that showed her.


"The way that she's whispering, the way that shes pulling you in." Dean watched her whisper something in Ollie's ear at the diner. She definitely has him wrapped around her fingers, both of them to be exact. Ollie always had these puppy dog glossy eyes for her and could never say no so she got whatever she wanted. Dean hated that though but then he thought it would probably be the same if she was his girl.

She was spoiled and she absolutely loved it. She could get her way into things and out of them with her charm. She had to be a siren but all the tests denied that.

"Lord knows I've tried. I can't get her off my mind."

Dean's fisted pounded his own head.
"Get out of my head!" He said, maybe a bit too loud.
"What was that deany?" Y/n skipped into the room and twirled around, in one of her many summer dresses; opening the fridge and grabbing a drink.

"Just some thoughts I do not need right now." Dean faked smiled, she knew something was up deep down but decided not to say anything as she had a feeling it would be awkward. She grabbed a sprite and leaned on the table, across from dean.

"What thoughts? Is there a lady?" Y/n raised her eyebrows up and down multiple times, but he wouldnt look her in the eye.
"No, just stress even though I dont have a clue what it's about." He sighed, closing his eyes and saying to himself, "Get through it it's okay."

"Im sorry. If theres anything I can do to help let me know okay deany?" He nodded and she turned around and left the room. Castiel appeared, putting a hand on Deans shoulder and sending a future picture to his brain.

"Deany!" She yelled, running and jumping on his lap. Her fourth finger supporting a ring that could blind some people. His are wrapped around her waist and thigh, his skin feeling the feel of holding her. She smelled so heavenly, he wanted to swim in her perfume. Her skin so soft and clear, is she even a human?

"Hey baby." He said, without thinking about it. Weird. His subconscious thought. She planted kisses on his cheeks, nose, forehead and chin before connecting her lips to his. They were so warm and soft, like a cloud. Cloud 9? More like in heaven. Her left hand came up and rested on his cheek and his grip tightened on her waist and thigh. He loved touching her, anywhere; just as long as he was touching her he was okay.

He immediately got up, and moved her to the grey sectional they picked out. Slowly, they discarded clothes and felt each other up. His hands roaming all over her body. She was so perfect. He kissed her again, this time eager than last. His right hand trailing down to her panties, and his finger connects with her-

Dean sucks in a breath as if he's been robbed of them when Castiel brings him back.
"Put me back in Cas!" He told Cas but he refused.
"You've seen enough. That is your future. Your best friend Oliver will go haywire within those short years. What year was that in?
"2020! Are you kidding me? That's this year! What do you mean he'll go haywire?!" He asked, nervous.

"A witch will cast a impossible spell on him that will eventually kill him and you wont be able to bring him back under no circumstance according to the spell. You can't do anything to prevent it from happening." Castiel told him.
"He'll go haywire anytime now, any second."

"Hey guys whats up?" Ollie asked walking in and grabbing a beer.
"Just another heaven drama." Dean roll his eyes and turned around to do the dishes. Distracting himself is kind of what he does when he's nervous and panicking, it works at least.
"What happened?" Ollie leaned against the wall with one hand in his front pocket and the other holding the beer, he knew something was up too.

"Naomi figured it would be best if all the angels returned to Heaven to restore its power. Some angels aren't having it and are putting up a fight because it's basically prison for us." Castiel told him. A angel could lie after all. Ollie nodded not sure what to do with that information.

There was a awkward silence, starting to be filled by Y/n's voice. Her voice was so incredibly beautiful. She had every aspect of a siren but she wasnt, the boys and even Cas checked in to it long ago. Maybe a fallen angel before Castiels time? They didnt know.
"I had a dream about a burning house, you were stuck inside I couldn't get you out." She sung, organizing the bathroom shelves and closet.

Dean closed his eyes and stopped washing the dishes as he sunk into her voice. It was a sad song but Y/n's voice was beautifully smooth and soothing. Not a crack or breath heard.
"Dean whats up with you?" Oliver asked him, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Nothing." Dean grumbled, not making eye contact.
"Im your bestfriend you can tell me."
"Are you really that clueless Oliver?" Dean spat and then walked to his bedroom.

"Fuck you Dean Winchester." Ollie spat, never seeing this side of Dean before. Y/n came around the corner and calmed Ollie down.
"Hey that wasnt very nice." She stated.
"Yeah well you can fuck off bitch." Ollie pushed her back into a door frame and a crack was heard as well as a body dropping to the white tiled floor. Dean emerged after hearing the noise and saw Y/n's unconscious body on the floor, blood pooling around her head.

Dean didnt say anything, just punched Oliver multiple times. And they started fighting. Sam came walking down the hallway from the other direction, with a book in his hand to which he dropped it once he saw Y/n. Sam checked her pulse and then picked her up and ran to Castiel. Ollie of course fought back against Dean but not quite as good.

"Get out." Dean yelled,
"No this is my house too." Ollie defended. Dean grabbed Ollie by the hair tightly and drug him out the door, locking it.


"Hey you're awake." He stated, Y/n waking up from her deep sleep. She didn't remember Ollie at all. But she remembered Dean. All she did was hold out her arms for him to hug her.

And when they did, they fell immediately....

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