Dean ~ Tame me

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You had a knife in your hand and you were going to throw it but Dean caught your wrist before you could go any further. You had already drowned the demon in holy water. He took the knife and then turned you around.
"Breath." He told you while cupping your face. It was a simple gesture, the reason behind it being that you never listen to anyone when you're mad but Dean makes you listen to him and it works. You took a few deep breaths. You grabbed the knife and threw it, it stabbed the tied up demon and it screamed but still had a smirk. You started at the demon but Dean caught you and held onto you.

"Asshole cunt! I hope you rot in hell fucking bitch." You yelled at the demon. ~ The Winchesters and or Castiel had never heard that much swearing from a person until you came into their lives. You were on a hunt by yourself, on the phone and the person on the other end was being a dick so you called them out as you walked into the cabin to see the infamous Winchesters and Castiel standing there.

"Oh come on you dick! Now look what you fucking did! You fucking made me miss my bitch of a hunt thanks a lot fucking asshole." You said before hanging up and greeting the guys. You were the sweetest person ever but when you're pissed off, no one should or dare mess with you.

You're also a little bit of a psychopath which doesn't help. You dont just kill the supernatural, sometimes you torture them depending on the creature. They call you the woman from hell, but you're the sweetest person ever without the meanness and psychoticness. That's what surprised the guys so much when they got to see what happens when you get pissed off. ~

"Y/n look at me." Dean commanded after you didn't listen to him for the first time since he got you to listen. You looked at him with a death glare.
"Close your eyes and take deep breaths." He told you and you did. You didn't know why you listened to him of all the guys. It was like you couldn't control who you listened to or not. Something about Dean made you listen and he could always make you listen to him.

He watched you concentrate, when you were ready you opened your eyes. You weren't necessarily calmed down yet and Dean knew that. It usually took you about thirty minutes to an hour.
"Come on lets go, Sam and Cas can finish here."
"This is my hunt though they cant just fucking take it from me! I was the fucking smart one that found it!" You told him.

"Y/n, you need to cool off-" He said, not realizing that he said the words that most girls hate when they're pissed.
"Cool off?! You know what Dean fucking Winchester, you're the one that needs to fucking cool off because you're always fucking following me around and up in my fucking business! Ever heard of personal space asshole? Yeah well it ex-" you were cut off by Dean grabbing your face and kissing you.

It was like you were a fire and he was the water that put you out. This kiss immediately calmed you and made you warmer. His hands moved to your lower back, as he pulled away.
"Better now?" He asked and pulled you into a hug.
"Y-yeah." You replied, still shocked by what he did.
"We're gonna let Sam and Cas take care of this. You and I are going to the bunker and we're going watch your favorite movies and eat junk food alright?" He stated. You nodded against his chest.

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