Jack - If I die young

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Year - 2035
Jacks age - 18

Jack laid her down in satin, roses in a boat. What she had wished for in her dying breaths before she died in his arms. Tears silently rolled down his face as he stared at her for the last time. Her mother had dressed her a beautiful little white dress with pearls around neck and around her wrists.
Dean gently pushed the boat out in the river, and she floated away from them. Castiel placed a hand on Jacks shoulder as they stared at the moving boat.

They stood watching with her family, her mom and siblings, her dad wasnt in the picture anymore.
"At least this way she's safer than this ole world." Her mom commented, breaking her own heart all over again.
"Do you want to...?" Sam asked, holding the arrow and bow out for Jack to take. He slowly grabbed it and got it ready, shooting up into the air. The arrow on fire hit the flowers on Y/n's boat and ignited into a fire. Jack hadnt said anything since her heart stopped and the others were getting very worried about him. They had never seen him like this before, well, not to this extent.

She was too young to die, way too young and they get to live? She was 16 and her mothers hair hadnt even greyed yet, her mother was only 36. Her mom pulled Jack into a tight hug after he shot the arrow.
"You didnt do anything wrong Jackie." She whispered in his ear. Her three siblings standing behind their mother, some too young to understand what was happening with their older sister. So young that their mom couldnt bare to explain it to them so Sam gently did it later. Saying she wasnt coming back home to them.

"Wheres sissy!?" Reid asked, only three years old.
"She's safe, happy." Sam explained. Jack vanished to his room to mourn in peace. Looking at the one picture of them together. He kind of liked himself better without a soul so he didnt have to feel all of this. His sheets were getting soaked with his tears, but he was going to try and bring her back. With or without the Winchesters or Castiel.

Jack made his way to the library and found a way in one of the books to bring her back.
"What are you doing with that?" Dean stopped him while noticing the certain book in his hands.
"Reading, making my mind stronger." Jack replied with a little attitude making Dean raise his eyebrows.
"Oh no kid, I know what you're doing. You're gonna try and bring her back." Jack was caught and Sam walked in at the last moment,
"Bring her back? Jack you cant be serious!" Sam told him. Jack got mad and threw both of them back, running to his room and locking himself inside.

"It wont work!" Dean called on the other side of the door. Him and Sam tried to break it down but Jack kept it shut with his power. Closing his eyes, he focused on the little spell. Eyes glowing as he concentrated but failed, it was almost as if he was blocked to get to her. He furrowed his eyebrows, confused. He read the spell, making sure he recited it correctly which he did.
"Jack?" Sam asked,
"Ive got to bring her back!" Jack yelled as he tried again. Trying to focus harder than last.

"No no no no!" Jack said angrily as he failed to get her once again, he threw the book across his room and his bedroom lights exploded. Jack then opened his door and pushed past the Winchesters and Cas, running outside.

Of course following him hurriedly they found him collapsed on the gravel crying hysterically. Cas went to comfort him which in return he pushed Cas away. He reached in his pocket and pulled out the ring that he had. A rainbow appeared over their heads and they knew she was safe in her own heaven. Safe and happy as she accepted her fate forever, looking down on them as they kept fighting. He remembered she took off the promise ring he had given her right before she passed and gave it to him. He remembered noticing her finger was green and he didnt quite understand it.

Jack broke down while staring at the ring, knowing the rainbow was still there. He thought about their time together, it was perfect and they were bestfriends. Her whole family loved him and continued after she was gone.
"Im so sorry Y/n.... please forgive me." He cried out knowing he wouldnt get an answer.

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