Baby ~ Stories that are real

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(Got this from tumblr, don't know who from so🤷‍♀️)

She'll sit there. She'll rust, fall apart in a junk yard in a small town. Kids will pass by and run their hands along the rumpled metal that lost its shine. The grass beneath her is pale and dead. No one will look at her or give her a second thought. She's that car that has always been there.

But really, there was a time, so far back that no one can remember now, when two boys rode around in that car. They drove for so long, all their lives, and the windows rolled down. Old songs that no one knows the words to anymore. So many memories cling to the falling paint and the worn leather.

About the two boys who loved her. Who were good. The ones that saved the world a few times. Who fought the monsters people refuse to see. But, of course, they were also the boy that died.

And sometimes a weird guy in a trench coat will visit her. That's when the parents call their children back inside as the man sits on her hood, legs folded beneath him; just sits unmoving for hours. There's a rumor that before he leaves, he caresses her side gently and whispers, "thank you for taking care of them."

But then one day a person runs past it. She pauses, looks closer, peers inside and circles it. And then she sees it, the oh so noticeable markings on her body. "Unbelievable." She mutters. It was only a story, an old fairy tale her grandmother told her. A story of two brothers that saved the world, with a little help from some friends of course.

She reached out, touched it, felt the warmth from the sun that had died long ago. And for a brief second, she pictured it, two brothers sitting on the hood, drinking a beer. She smiles. Goes on. But she doesn't forget. Two weeks later she comes back with a tow truck she borrowed from her brother. She doesn't know why she's doing this; Why it's so important. She does it anyway.

She takes her home and fixes her up. And for a split second, right before she turns the engine on for he first time in oh so many years, she sees him. Maybe you've seen him too. He's been there just as long as the car.

And old man, an angel they say. Standing guard in the shadows of the forest. And she realizes he's been there all along, guiding her to this moment. He's gone with a blink of the eye. The only thing left from the lonely angel was an outline of his wings, resting on the trees of the forest as a symbol of his protection.

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