Cas ~ Dream

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I woke up in chair but I wasn't tied to it, I got up quietly. Cursing as I stepped on a creak in the floor, I saw the door in the next room but I couldn't see in the next room all the way. I peeked around the corner to see two humans, I took a whiff of air before running as fast as I could to the door. I opened it in a hurry and started running but only to be thrown against the wall opposite of the door.

"Well, look who's awake. We knew you would run that's why we didn't tie you up hun." I fought against whatever force was holding me back but stopping as a sound came from outside by the door. It sounded like footsteps. One of the males gestured for the other one to go see what it was and he left. "Hey!" Someone yelled, the last guy walked out of the room and I tore off the wall somehow, finally. I sprinted out the door and into the woods, looking back once to see both the guys following me.

I dodged trees and fallen ones as they might still be chasing me but I wasn't gonna stop to find out. I passed a tree with low branches as it cut my arm pretty good, it ripped my long sleeve shirt. I saw two men running straight for the other men.
"Stop no don't!" I yelled towards them, they had knives in their hands. I turned around but only to be stopped by a body of a tall man, I fell backwards and looked up.

I crawled backwards away from him, why is tonight so crazy for me? He had huge black wings, I mean they looked like hawk wings but they weren't. They were different, I just couldn't place it. They were so beautiful though. As I was too zoned out I didn't notice the man had pulled me up with a confused look on his face. I looked around, zoning back into reality as I looked back and saw the two men fighting. Panic over took my body again and I started to run but the man grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Who are you? Let go!" I said, pulling my arm from his grip and backing up again.
"Im Castiel, angel of the lord." The two men that I saw running towards the ones that had me walked over to me and this Castiel guy. They were all tall, the two men taller than Castiel, without wings.
"Are they angels too? I don't see any wings on them." I point to the two men and their faces go into ones of shock while Castiel looks the same.
"You can see my wings?"
"Uh yea, they're kinda hard to miss, they're big and black!"

I had a dream about the first time I met Cas, Sam and Dean. I remember that day perfectly and all my confusion. It was quite funny.

I ran down the sidewalk with my headphones in playing my favorite music. It was late September so a little chilly but not much, the trees were very pretty though. I run 5 miles everyday, I love running. I was almost to my apartment, it was around the corner as I saw a black chevy impala go by. I quickly looked to see who was driving but they sped off too fast, and I couldn't see the licenses plate because the dirt. That might have been the boys but they said they would call when they were in town.

I smiled and continued to run, running up the steps until I got into my apartment. A shower was much needed to get all the sweat off of my body, so I hopped in. The warm water raining down my back as I heard a noise in my house, outside the locked bathroom door. I've seen those stupid horror movies where the girls walk out to see what the sound was, me? I am not one of those girls. Or maybe I am. I dried myself off and wrapped the towel aorund myself, my clothes in my room. I searched the bathroom drawers until I found sharp scissors.

It was dark in my house as I just got home and didn't need to turn on any lights to use yet. I slowly creaked the bathroom door open and looked both ways before stepping out, scissors in hand. I saw a figure in the kitchen and then I saw it, the two big black wings on his back. I sat the scissors down and ran into the kitchen excitedly.
"Cas!" He turned around at the right moment as my arms immediately wrapped around his torso and hug him tight.

"Hi sweetheart!" He wrapped his arms around my body just as tight as I was holding him.
"Where were you? Why didn't you call?" I pouted.
"I was helping Sam and Dean with a case and I thought it'd be more fun to surprise you. Did I not succeed?"
"No you did. I was just wondering." I looked up to see him looking down at me already and I gave him my shit eating grin. I unwrapped my arms from around him and made my way to go put my pjs on, putting the bra and underwear and then shorts and a white oversized tshirt. I ran back out and jumped on the couch where Cas was at, landing beside him perfectly. I felt proud of myself.

"Y/n, I love you, you know that right?" I smiled at him before nuzzling my head on his shoulder.
"Yea I do Cas."
"I don't think you know how much I love you." He stated softly, I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.
"Tell me then Cas!"
"Well there's this one saying I've heard that is I love you to the moon and back but that doesn't describe my love for you. My love for you is like your love for the tiniest of things, like the way you love that little toy dog your mom gave to you when you were little. My love is like that but only bigger for you, every time I see you." He bopped me on the nose, smiling at me with that very sweet smile. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he did his around my torso.

"I love you Cas."
"I love you more."

I quickly sat up, looking around my empty room, just me.... it was all a dream. I got up, angry and stormed into the bathroom and slamming the door shut, doing my business. I then stormed into the main part of my apartment, the kitchen and living room. Plopping down on the sofa with my arms crossed and staring at the blank tv in front of me. I can't believe my brain would do that to me, the dream was so realistic.

A cold chill stopped my train of thought as I quickly turned around on the couch, towards the door to see Castiel there with flowers. I jumped over the couch and ran to him, hugging him tightly, Im not sure he got the flowers out of the way in time.
"Hey my love." He said as his arms wrap around me protectively, I pulled back and pulled him down by his tie so I could kiss him, only pulling apart seconds later.

"Ugh I hate this dream that was so realistic! I was so pissed when I woke up Cas!" He smiled, a devious smile and suddenly I put everything together. He put the flowers on the counter before I tackled him.
"You're mean!!!" I pouted.

"Hey I have to send my girl something so why not a nice dream?"

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