Sam ~ Angels

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Trigger warning: mention of cutting

"I've been seeing angels in my living room. That have walked the sun and have slept on the moon." Rang through my ears beautifully as I listened to Y/n sing on the other side of the door to her room. It was just her very hypnotizing beautiful voice and her playing the piano. I've never heard her sing before.

"Covered in the fragrance of their own perfume. Telling me the stories, stories coming true." A sad song. It's not a lie that every hunter has some mental problems and things but
Y/n puts her sadness into songs. I sat with my back against her door and my head tilted up as I closed my eyes. Her voice can make you fall asleep in seconds flat.

Dean and Cas walked around the corner and I put my finger to my mouth, saying to be quiet and listen.
"Well you see these angels, these angels see the light. Yeah I've had my troubles, troubles all right. I've been seeing angels. Oh no."  It seemed like Dean and even Cas were hypnotized too by her voice. Cas looked at me with a sad expression and I think he knew exactly what the song was about.

"They'll hold on to their secrets and torn up memories. We float above horizons and sail across the seas. I hope for better days and lately times are tough, the angels give me strength and im not giving up. So I wipe away my tears, I unveil my pain. They're brushing off my shoulders and I hold on to their stain."

We all three looked at each other, knowing that the angels are us three. Me, Cas and Dean. After we all accidentally found out about Y/n cutting herself we haven't let her never any sharp objects or out of one of ours sights since. Apparently shes found other ways to cope without sharp objects, we keep her in line like she does us.

"I've been seeing angels. Angels. Angels! angels! Angels! Angels! Angels! Yeah. Angels." Every time she sang the word Angels she got louder and just more incredibly beautiful. What an amazing song and even Dean listened to it. I fell backwards into her room as her door opened fast, I looked up to see Y/n looking down at all three of us.

"Uh- h-how much did you h-hear?" Her face heated up and I got to my feet.
"All of it. It's very beautiful Y/n." Cas told her.
"Thanks Cas." She smiled softly at him. Dean and Cas walked back down the hallway talking about something.
"Do you wanna talk?" I asked her softly.
"Bout what?"
"Your troubles" She lightly smiled at me. Mesmerizing.
"Uh sure" I walked in as she shut her door.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" She blushed at the name, I've always called her that. I sat on her bed beside her.
"You know that hunt we went on a couple months ago with the little twins we couldn't save?" Tears started to form in her eyes and I pulled her into my chest.
"Yea, what about them?"
"They visit me in my dreams. Saying it wasnt my fault their lives were lost so quickly."
It stayed silent as she got more worked up.
"I can't help but to think that it was my fault. I wasnt quick enough to do the job I was supposed to do. I didn't save them when they should've lived. They should've had a whole great life ahead of them but they didn't get to live long enough. Two innocent lives were lost." I felt liquid fall onto my thigh, her tears.

"Y/n, it's okay. They're in a better place where no supernatural being can get to them now okay?" I soothed her, rubbing her back.
"All the other innocent lives that were lost in my hands-"
"Y/n, sweetheart stop blaming yourself. None of them were your fault. It's all up to fate, fate decides when they die or when something else happens to them." Wish I could tell myself the same.

"Okay" Her voice so tiny now.
"You should get some rest, we uh have another case tomorrow."
"Will you stay with me?" Y/n looked up at me, her eyes teary and her face red from crying.
"Of course I will." I wiped some tears away with my thumb and then got into her bed with her as she snuggled into my chest and I rubbed her back until we both fell asleep.


I ran around the corner, multiple different monsters chasing me.
"Y/n!" Sam's voice boomed from a room and I bolted towards it. Kicking down the door with my gun in hand to see Sam dragged down to his knees by two starved vampires. They both bit his neck on each side making tons of blood gush out.
"Sam!" I shot multiple times until I was thrown against a wall away from Sam.
"Y/n!" Sam said before they dragged him out of the room.
"SAM!" I yelled, tears falling down my face.

"Y/n wake up!" I opened my eyes, quickly sitting up and looking around my room to come across Sam laying beside me. I let out a sigh.
"Hi Sammy." I said.
"You were having a nightmare?"  I laid back down, now looking at Sam.
"Uh yea, it was stupid."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"You and I were on a hunt together, we got split up and you yelled my name and then I watched as two starved vampires bit into your neck and dragged your unconscious body out of the room. I was thrown against a wall by a demon and I couldn't get to you." I told him.

"It's okay sweetheart, come here." He pulled me back into his warm body as when we fell asleep. "Nothings gonna happen."


"Y/n!" Dean yelled, I ran into the room of the abandoned warehouse to see Dean thrown against the wall by a demon, I looked to see if Sam was anywhere. Deja vu at its finest. Dean nodded towards the closet in the room and I ran over, but first smiting the demon holding Dean up.

I opened the door and immediately fell backwards onto the floor as a vamp jumped out. Dean saved my ass and we looked in the closet to see Sam unconscious or dead...... I checked for a pulse quickly, none. His skin was already so cold.

"Sammy, come on wake up! You're not gonna die! You said nothing would happen!" I cried and shook his shoulders until Dean told me to help him get his brother to the impala. Dean grabbed one side and I grabbed the other side of Sammy. Come on Sam.
We gently laid him in the backseat, I climbed in with him as Dean sped off towards the bunker. Yelling as Castiel to get his ass down here and save his little brother.

"Sam! Wake up!" I yelled, trying my hardest to stop the bleeding from his neck while trying to do cpr, Baby was covered in blood already. I was squashed in the back seat because Sam being the moose he is, is huge, so I was sitting on his legs.
"How's he doing?" Dean asked stealing a glance at me and his brother.
"Not too well! Cas get your feathery ass down here asap!" I screamed, Sam gasped for air and I was thrown into the impala door and window when he sat up quickly.


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