1. Los Angeles

902 10 2

"My butt hurts." I wobbled in the passenger seat and adjusted my legs. I picked up the bag of chips on the dashboard and continued eating, although it'd only been 20 minutes since I set them down.

"1 more hour." My best friend, Harper, said. We switched off driving and she's on her 6th hour. Considering I drove the first 11 hours, I was loving my break.

Harper and I have been planning this trip to L.A. since we ended sophomore year of college. Coming straight from Seattle, we wanted somewhere sunny and a little less... dark. We both have a crazy love for music, the beach, and movies- so Los Angeles was on our list.

I'm not sure why I agreed to driving. I feel like I've been in my car for 6 weeks and my poor Beetle can't take much more driving. Planes scare the living hell out of Harper, (thanks Cast Away) so we had to compromise.

I turned up my phone, which was playing Jeremy Zucker through AUX.

Harper started singing so loud to the point where I couldn't hear the song.

"Shhhh." I turned up the stripped version of End.

"Shut up Aria. You KNOW this song gets to me." She continued singing.

I smiled and watched her get into the groove. She broke up with her boyfriend of 3 years last month. She stopped jamming a little bit towards the end, and started curling her mouth down. I could see her eyes water up behind her sunglasses.

"I'm sorry Harp." I bit my nail. She stared at the sunset, and hummed to the song.

She shrugged. "I'm fine."

I knew she wasn't. Her ex boyfriend Ben was her main priority for 3 years. I admired it, and I admired watching her fall so deep in love with someone like that. She was the best girlfriend. Ben cheated on her with some girl at his college in Colorado. I was with Harper when she found out. She got messages and pictures for proof through text from the girl. After calling Ben and hearing him shamefully admit to it, Harper shattered her phone and was on the floor in tears until she fell asleep. I cried with her- I'd never seen someone so broken.

I think about love a lot. It fascinates me. I write songs about it.

But in love? That's not me. It never has been. I don't want that.

Anywhere With You - A Lauv Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now