18. Hotel's Wifi Sucks

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In the middle of mine and Ari's conversation, my phone rang. I looked at my screen and my Mom's picture lit up.

"Uhh." I looked at the screen.

Ari looked too. "You gonna answer?"

I had to answer. She'll call back a thousand times until I answer. "Hello?" I held my phone up to my ear.

"Hey! What are you guys up to?" She asked. She was definitely referring to Harper and I, and I have no idea what the hell Harper is up to and I can't tell her what I'm up to or she'll freak out.

"Just sitting at the hotel!" I replied. "It's been a pretty chill few days."

My mom paused. "Oh, your location says you're a bit aways from the hotel, seems like a house or something?" I could hear her tapping the screen, probably to zoom in.

"Oh, that's weird. My phone's been glitching like crazy out here. A few hours ago Harper's location said she was in Nevada." I lied. "The hotel's WiFi sucks."

"Hmm." She said. I looked over at Ari, who seemed dumbfounded that I was lying.

"Well I was just calling to check up on you. I've seen some pictures of you and Harper in the city but nothing lately." She said.

"We're fine, mom. Just hanging out at the hotel and the beach and stuff." I said.

There was a long pause. "Aria- I know you're annoyed that I check up on you but you and Levi are all I have." She began. I got embarrassed, because Ari was listening.

"I understand." I said. "But I'm old enough to take care of myself, and you shouldn't worry so much. You'll be the first one I come to if something wrong ever happens."

She sighed. "Your dad told me not to worry either."

My heart sunk. "I'm really not trying to have this conversation right now. I'm safe, I love you, and I'll text you. Is that okay?"

"Of course." She replied. "I'm sorry, it's just- Levi has been gone all day and I've been alone with nothing to do. Just lots of thinking." She said.

"Did you finish Stranger Things?" I asked. Ari smiled.

"Ooooh!!" She exclaimed. "Good idea. I should go pop some popcorn and finish it."

"You should. You'll love it." I said.

"Okay, I'll go do that... you and Harper have fun. Really though, please do keep me updated. All I care about is your safety." She said with her worried voice.

"Okay, I'll text you. I love you!"

"I love you too. Have fun."

"You too mom. Bye."


I hung up and looked over at Ari, letting out a huge sigh. "Sorry."

"No, it's okay. She loves you a lot to worry like that."

I nodded. "Yeah, she does."

Ari sat closer. "But why did you have to lie? You could have told her you were here." He shrugged.

I laughed a little. "Yeah.. hey mom I'm just hanging out at a boy's house that I met a few days ago. Harper's at the hotel with his friend, too."

He smiled, but I could tell it wasn't as funny to him.

"She's just protective." I began. "She'd immediately want to meet you and she'd be more worried than she already is."

"I don't have a problem with meeting her." He smiled.

"Okay, but, I'm just not going to let her worry right now." I said.

Ari seemed to understand. "No, I get it."

It was silent for a moment, and he seemed like he was in thought. After a few seconds, he seemed to have an idea.

"So, I have a question." He said. I watched as he touched his pinky ring.

"Okay." I said.

"So, I have a show tonight. It's in San Diego. Will you come?" He looked worried at what I might say, as if I'd say no.

"I'd love to." I smiled. "But, that's kind of far."

"I can have one of my drivers pick you up. I'm riding with my keyboardist Victoria and my drummer Robert. You and Harper can be in the other car. I can even put you guys in the front row." He seemed to already have everything planned out.

"If Harper wants to, then I would really love that." I nodded. "So like, I'll be in the crowd?"

"It'll just be like a concert." He smiled.

I got to wondering that maybe he didn't want me to go backstage or in front of everyone else because he didn't want anyone to find out about us.

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