4. Violets are Blue

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I felt sick as we drove to a shopping mall. "I'm only here for a week and a half. Also, I haven't been on a date for like 2 years." I said.

"Okay well we're gonna get you ready for this. Because you might be a little rusty." She said.

"How long do I wait to call? Or should I text? Oh god." I put my hands over my face.

"Aria!" Harper yelled. "Wait until tonight. Like... 6pm maybe. Just text him. I'll help you." She said.

Harper has always been good with boys, well, people in general- and constantly tries to set me up with boys. So this is a dream come true for her, but a nightmare for me.

We drove to downtown L.A. to one of their malls and walked around for a couple hours, buying a few things from the shops. Harper went on a shopping spree, apparently buying an entire new wardrobe. I bought 2 bracelets and a stuffed sloth from a kids store. We went out to eat, walked around in town, and did some exploring. At around 5:30, we arrived back at the hotel to prepare to text Ari.

Harper put her bags on the floor and pulled out a bag from Forever 21.

I watched as she set a light pink blouse on the bed, along with some high waisted jeans. She put out hooped earrings and some pink heels that matched.

"Okay." She nodded.

I eyed the jeans. They looked a bit small for her, and not quite her style.

"So, this is what you're wearing on your date with Ari." She nodded again, with her hands on her hips.

"Uh, what?" I laughed. The jeans are definitely something I'd do. Maybe the hoop earrings. But the blouse was a little bit too girly and I don't even think I can walk in heels.

"Yeah. Go put it on! Please! I bought it for youuuu!" She begged, with a puppy face.

"Uhh, I don't wear heels." I shook my head.

"If you don't like them, I'll take them. We both wear a 6.5 But please try on the outfit. PLEEEASE." She begged. I trusted her opinion heavily because she's a stylist for a business manager in Seattle. Harper buys all of her clothes for her. A personal stylist. She studies fashion, too. So I do trust her to know what I'd look good in, but I don't trust her to pick what I feel comfortable in.

"Okaaaay." I grabbed everything off the bed and went into the. bathroom. I slipped on the pink blouse, which was slightly v-necked but didn't show my nude colored bra at all. The jeans fit perfectly, and I actually loved them. I put on the hooped earrings. I felt girly already, I really don't need the heels. I put them on anyways, wobbling out of the bathroom.

Harper immediately dropped her jaw and pulled out her phone, taking a Snapchat video of me. I wobbled closer to her, holding out my hand to the camera. "Harper, stop!" I laughed.

"DAAAAAAMNNNN ARIAAAA!" She started snapping. "I knew it." She put her phone back into her pocket and admired me. "You are so gorgeous. Why am I not you." She smiled.

"Because you're Harper Adams." I smiled back.

"And you're Aria Taylor." She pretended to bow down, and I giggled.

"Oooh! What time is it??" She looked at her phone. It was 6:02.

"LET'S TEXT HIM!" She jumped onto the bed and I sat next to her, pulling out my phone. I grabbed the folded up note from my purse and typed in his number. Immediately, the number turned blue, indicating that he has iMessage.

Harper giggled with excitement and my hands shook a little. "What do I say?" I asked.

"Well, I'm not going to talk for you! What do you want to say?" She said.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh." I stared at the wall, then started typing.

Me: hi! this is Aria from SmooBar!

"Well, flirt a little!" Harper said. "Say that you want to take him up on his offer or something."

Me: hi! this is Aria from Smoobar! I'd like to...

I stopped typing. "I have a better idea." I said. I began typing again.

Me: roses are red, your hair is wavy,
I'd love to go on that date, so call me maybe.
-Aria from SmooBar

"Ooooo!" Harper giggled. "Yessss!" She wiggles around and pressed the send button for me.

I immediately got a wave of nervousness. I hope it was clever. Was it clever? Maybe he's going to think I'm stupid. Oh my god, I'm desperate for reaching out so soon. Ahh, someone kill me. I'm so-

My phone lit up with a call from Ari. I widened my eyes, and Harper squealed.

"ANSWER!" She said.

My heart rate sped up and I started at the phone. "WHAT DO I SAY." I panicked.

"JUST SAY HELLO!!!" She yelled.

Without further panic, I slid the bar over and put him on speaker.

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