12. Atta Girl

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After Harper came out, she checked her phone.

"I texted Ari your number to give to Sam. He passed it along, and said Sam was excited." I smiled.

Harper looked at me. "Thank you Aria. So.. are you not going to ignore Ari?"

I looked down. "Can we just go out and explore today? Maybe get drinks tonight? If Sam calls, go out with him. I'm fine with that plan." I said.

She sighed again. I know she's disappointed with me, but I know I'm saving myself. "Okay." She replied.

After many Google searches, we decided to head out to Hollywood and try a new cafe for breakfast. Afterwards, we'd go to the Griffith Observatory, like we saw in LaLa land. After that, we planned to drive around through some of the neighborhoods, explore, and get some drinks towards night time after we found a place to eat.

Once we were ready, we set out for a fun day in a place we've never been. The sunshine made me forget everything, and I just felt warm.

When we were inside Griffith Observatory, my phone vibrated again.

Ari: roses are red, violets are blue,
im bored

I smiled at the text, but immediately put it back into my pocket. It vibrated again, twice, three times. I rolled my eyes and took it back out.

Ari: sooooo
what's up
let's go get tendies

I slid over to the text settings, and put his notifications on silent.

Out of the corner of my eye, I looked up at Harper, who was discreetly looking at my phone. She caught me catching her.

"Aria, give him a chance." She seemed upset. "He's awesome, and you're letting fear lead the way."

I watched as she set her white sunglasses on her head. She was wearing a little purple T-shirt along with shorts like mine, and her mauve sandals. Her long auburn hair was loosely curled and fell just to her elbows. Her usual excited expression seemed upset, and she was sincere.

"Give me time." I said. "Let's just enjoy today?" I begged.

She nodded. "Let's do." She reached for my arm, and licked it with hers. We skipped away, admiring the beautiful Observatory like we've only seen in movies.


Later that day, we finished everything on our to-do list. We even stopped at a park and chased around a few ducks.

It was about 10pm, and we were walking around Hollywood, watching a street performer breakdance. A crowd surrounded us and clapped. I checked my phone, and I had a missed call from Ari. He left a voicemail too. I put my phone back into my pocket.

"For gods sake." Harper folded her arms and shook her head. "At least listen to the voicemail."

I rolled my eyes and took the phone out, opening up his voicemail. Harper listened with me.

Hi Aria, I'm just wondering how you're doing. You're probably busy with Harper out there somewhere. Sam and I are going to watch our friend DJ at The Sound downtown in about an hour. Sam wants to know if you'd bring Harper, and I wanted you to come. Call me back if you can make it, Okay? Or just let me know you're okay. Byeee.

He sent that an hour and a half ago.

"Let's go!" Harper said.

I begged not to. "You can go, and see Sam, but maybe you can just tell Ari I got sick. I can stay at the hotel. Please."

Harper legitimately looked hurt at my response. "I'd be more comfortable with you there. Please, just go." She asked.

I got sick, but I agreed.

Harper smiled big, and started walking back to my car. "Want me to drive?" She asked. I nodded as we stepped over to my car, and we both got in.

I nervously dialed Ari's number.

"You can do it, Aria." Harper said. The phone rang twice, and he picked up.

"Hey! Aria! What's up?" He yelled into the phone. The sound of booming bass traveled through the phone, and hundreds of people were talking.

"Hey! Me and Harper want to come to The Sound. We've been out in Hollywood most of the day, so I haven't been responding to your messages, sorry! Are we too late to come?" I asked.

"No, not late at all! We just got here. I'll drop a pin and send it to you."

"Okay, perfect!" I said.

"Okay, see you soooooooooon." He said.

"Alright, see ya." I laughed, hanging up the phone.

"Thank you." Harper looked at me. I nodded, smiling at her.

We turned on Party In The USA by Miley Cyrus, and began following the GPS to the club that was about 32 minutes away. We both jammed out to some of our classics, like Kiss Me Thru The Phone, Jessie's Girl, and the entire Jonas Brother's album. I probably looked like I was enjoying myself, but all I could think about was Ari.

When we pulled up to the club, we had to park pretty far away. Harper and I stepped out of the car and I watched as she flipped her hair up and down to give it volume.

"Good?" She asked.

"Good." I agreed. We both began walking towards the entrance, walking in a path illuminated by street lights. This part of town looked kind of ghetto, but I wouldn't know anything.

My heart beat got faster as we approached the doors. The bouncer checked our ID's, then let us in. I was filled with an overwhelming burst of sound and dancing and talking people, and girls in mini skirts. There was a mosh pit, and lights flashing everywhere. The DJ yelled into the microphone and everyone cheered. Above the dance floor, there were tables on the top balcony. I spotted Ari and Sam immediately, grooving to the music at a table by themselves with a few drinks.

I pointed up, and yelled to Harper. "They're right there!"

"How do we get there?" She yelled back.

Fair point. I didn't see any stairs. I looked around some more, standing on my tippy toes. I finally saw a stairway, past the mosh pit.

"Oh, there!" I pointed.

Harper grabbed my hand and started walking towards the huge mosh pit of the dance floor. I squinted as sweaty people danced around me, and I felt gross. Once we got out, I got a fresh breath of air and began walking up the stairs. We walked towards Sam and Ari, and Ari was the first to notice us. His face lit up with a huge smile when he saw me. My stomach turned, and I felt sick.

"Hey!" He said, giving me a hug. I took in his familiar scent, and same warm body. My hands began to shake.

"Hi!" I said. He looked at me, trying to study what was wrong. I looked away. "It's loud." I said.

I looked over as Sam and Harper were talking. They seemed to be laughing at something already.

I stared at a glass full of some type of alcohol on the table. It was full, and I didn't care what was in it. "Are you drinking that?" I asked.

He looked at me like I was crazy, but only for a moment. "Are you good?" He asked. I didn't answer, I just kept looking at the drink. "You can have it- but I don't know what it is. Sam ordered it, and he likes the hardcore shit." He said.

I immediately grabbed it and started drinking. It was a larger glass, and it burnt my throat to the point that I almost choked. I downed the whole glass, and I noted Harper watching me. Ari stared in disbelief. Sam looked over, and patted my back. "Atta girl." He laughed. He seemed ecstatic about it, but Ari looked at Harper and her worried face and stole her expression.

My throat burned, and I don't recognize what I just drank.

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