27. Watermelon Print

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It was about 11am, and Ari and I were in my kitchen, making pancakes. I giggled as he mixed too hard, splashing some of the mix on the counter.

"I suck." He laughed.

"Here." I helped mix.

Suddenly, Just Dance by Lady Gaga came through the speakers. My phone was on shuffle, and I wasn't expecting it.

"BAHHHAAA!" Ari let out the loudest laugh ever. I got embarrassed, but laughed with him.

"THIS SONG." He laughed.

We both started dancing as I poured another pancake on the pan. We had about 25 pancakes at this point, but who's counting?

I laughed as Ari danced around the kitchen, still apparently laughing at my song choice.

Once we cooked the last pancake, we grabbed 2 each and set them on 2 plates. I took out peanut butter, strawberries, and Nutella. I put all of these on my pancakes.

"Oh, damn. Fancy." Ari opened the strawberries.

We both decorated our pancakes, and I poured a little bit of strawberry syrup on mine. Ari did the same as I did, copying exactly what I had done with my pancakes.

"Guess you just wanted exactly what I wanted?" I smiled.

He took the smaller bottle of blueberry syrup, and began opening it. "I'll add some of this so I didn't completely copy you." He winked.

He struggled opening the cap. It was a weird syrup that me and Harper have had forever. It was closed with a small cap that needed to be popped off. The plastic container it was in seemed to be full of air, so it was hard to get off. It also looked quite runny.

Ari struggled some more, making weird faces and grunting to get it off. I walked closer to him to try and help, but before I could touch the bottle, the cap flew off, hit me in the forehead, and a huge splash of syrup exploded all into my hair, my face, and the collar of my shirt. It also dripped down onto my arms.

I stood in shock with my arms still out, and my eyes closed. I pressed my lips together.

"Oh my god." Ari started laughing, and I couldn't help it either. I squinted my eyes open and looked at him nearly on the floor from how hard he was laughing.

"Ari." I laughed. "Why me." I used my hands to scrape some of it off of my eye, so I could fully open them. It was drenched in my hair. I can't believe a syrup this runny could be this sticky.

Ari was still laughing, but managed to put the syrup down and grab me a wet towel.

I laughed. "Please help."

He chuckled, wiping down my face a little. It was definitely not coming off.

I touched my hair, and it felt like a giant piece of sticky goo from a drain.

"Ew!" I said.

"Want me to lick it off?" Ari laughed. He touched my hair, cringing at the stickiness like I was.

"I might just have to shower real quick." I laughed.

"Okay, I can clean up while you go do that." He laughed.

I awkwardly walked down the hall, still laughing at the complete mess I was in. I grabbed some clothes from my room, and went into the bathroom. I could still hear him out there laughing when I started the water.

I took my shirt off. Suddenly, I heard a pop and Ari yelling "OH FUCK!!"

I raised an eyebrow. What the hell did he just do?

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