22. Going To Be Okay

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I awoke to the sound of Harper freaking out. I squinted my eyes and saw her on the side of her bed, on the phone with someone. It was dark, besides the dim light of the lamp coming from her nightstand.

I sat up, listening to her talk on the phone.

"How long? Is she hooked up to it? I'll have to figure something out. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I'll call you. Okay. Okay. Keep me updated. I love you too. Bye."

"What was that?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

Harper turned around and I saw her face, which has obviously been crying. She got out of the bed and turned the lights on. She stood in front of me, and her hands were shaky. "Leila is in the hospital." She said shakily.

Leila is Harper's 11 year old sister, who is just like a sister to me too. My heart dropped. "Why?!" I asked.

Harper sat down on my bed, seemingly ready to cry again. "It's her heart again. She couldn't breathe last night, and her heart stopped beating for a little. They can't figure out what's wrong." Harper cried. I scooted closer, and gave her a hug. My eyes watered up.

Leila was born prematurely, weighing 4 pounds. She's always had various health issues. She's smaller than everyone at her school, but she is a complete ball of excitement. She's a really pretty girl with dirty blonde hair and endless freckles. She owns more yellow shirts than anybody I know, and she constantly has something great to tell me- like how their school had therapy dogs come and visit the students. Or how someone edited a Harry Styles song to sound like it had rain in the background. Or my favorite, how she did her 6th grade biography report on Post Malone. She's like my little sister, and surprisingly gives the best advice. She has an old soul, and I know she's in my life for a reason. I couldn't imagine losing someone like her.

I cried with Harper.

"Let's pack up." I said.

Harper wiped her tears, and pulled away from my hug. "Are you sure?"

"Of course." I said. "You and Leila are there for me through everything. It's my turn to be there for her."

Tears rolled down Harper's face. "You're right. We need to be there."

I got out of bed with a sudden adrenaline rush.

"Are you sure right now?" Harper looked worried.

I nodded. "I won't be able to sleep until I know everything's alright."

"Me either." She agreed, starting to pack up her stuff.

We have a long drive ahead of us.

After packing our stuff and getting things settled with the hotel, we were headed out at 5:15am. We ended up getting a refund on 2 of our nights, but the rest were history. It didn't matter to Harper and I, especially under the circumstances. I think we were both ready to leave.

The drive is nearly 19 hours from Los Angeles to Seattle, but we can make it in about 16. If we drive quick, we can make it in Seattle at about 9:30pm- depending on how much or if we stop a lot. I doubt we will with how worried Harper and I are. And Ari is only adding to the weight of it.

He's amazing. He's everything I want. His sense of humor, his style, the things he finds funny, his ability to make anything romantic, his laugh, his thoughts, his music, everything he does. But that scene that I caused last night... Stumbling into the room, falling on the floor, and interrupting whatever was happening. I felt like a complete idiot. I know Ari said it would have ended anyways, but I just felt so stupid about it. I'll be overthinking this forever, and if I'd have never of let it get this far in the first place- I wouldn't be overthinking at all. In fact, that whole situation wouldn't have happened.

He's famous, and he can have any girl he wants. He's successful. He's doing what he loves. He does not need me in the way of anything, and I don't want to be in the way of anything. He'll see that I'm doing him a favor.

I drove drove on the freeway, the sky still dim. I looked over at Harper curled up in a ball, staring out the window. I can imagine how worried she is.

Everything is going to be okay.

Everything is going to be okay.

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