8. Open Waters

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I got a little nervous when we were driving. We were on a road that nobody else was driving on, and we'd been driving for a while. We finally approached a bridge, and he parked on the side of the road. The bridge was over a large pond. It was like one of those bridges in a camping area. There were only a few streetlights and trees in sight. The city lights were a little ways behind us.

"Tell me your favorite song." He looked at me. He shut his car off, so his face was only illuminated by his phone. He is perfect. Wait, no he's not. I hate him. I hate him for being perfect.

"Open Waters by Lael."

I watched as he typed it in on his phone. It's not exactly my favorite song right now, but it's all I can think of when I'm next to him. He turned the key of the car just so the headlights would turn on, and so he could play the song through the AUX.

Once the song started, he got out of the car, came to my side, and opened the door.

I grabbed his hand and he brought me to the front of the car. The headlights were shining on the both of us.

I don't know if I'll ever get older,
All I know is I want to get closer.

The song began.

"Dance with me." He grabbed my waist and pulled me in. One hand on my waist, and the other intertwined with my hand. We moved back and forth to the song. I have a hard time maintaining eye contact for too long, but I couldn't keep my eyes off his. We rocked back and forth, with just the sound of the song and our feet moving across the gravel. Little water sounds echoed below us and the wind made the tree leaves whistle quietly. My heart was beating unbelievably fast.

These open waters,
These open waters

The song echoed on the road. I breathed close to Ari, and he held me close. I wanted to stop. My mind was going as fast as my heart. Nothing was going slow. I guess the funny thing is, I didn't want it to.

Ari's POV:

We rocked back and forth, and I can still see how blue her eyes are, even in just the headlights of the car. I don't know what pulled me towards her, but I can't stop.

Something brought me to her and it's my job to keep her. That's what I think.

I watched as her feet fumbled a little in her small pink heels.

I bent down, and began taking off her shoes.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

I didn't say anything, I just took her shoes off and stood back up. I lifted her up onto my shoes, so she didn't have to step on the gravel. She grinned, and I ached again at how beautiful her smile is.

The song continued, and we kept dancing. If this is really her music taste, I'm all for her.

Aria's POV:

My feet stayed on top of his as we rocked in a circle. I was looking at his eyes and thinking of millions of things, and suddenly our lips touched. It was electric.

And nobody knows what we know,
And we'll never take things slow.

I held the back of his neck, and his hand moved the hair out of my face as we kissed. Everything was suddenly so electric. His lips were perfectly placed on mine, and warmer than mine. His hair felt soft, and I took in exactly how he smelled. I pulled away so I could look at him again.

I began to grin for some odd reason, and he did the same. We went back and forth until we were both full on grinning in each other's faces. His grin was so goofy that I let out a laugh.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing. I didn't say anything." I said. He started laughing now, too.

"Well, What?!" I asked.

"Nothing, I didn't say anything." He laughed.

Just as I rolled my eyes, he kissed me again. I could feel him smile while kissing me, and I did the same. My lips felt like an electrical current was running through them. My heart stayed at the same fast pace it's been at all night.

He pulled away and wrapped me in a hug, still rocking in a circle. I could hear his heart beating right where my ear was on his chest. He let out a big sigh, and held my head and my back. I had my arms wrapped around his back.

"Aria." He said. I pulled away from the hug and looked up at him.

"Yeah?" I asked.

He smiled. "I really like this song. And I really like you, but I have to be honest with you."

My heart sunk.

"Okay, What is it?" We stopped dancing, but the song continued.

"I have never felt this way on a first date, and it scares me." He laughed, and seemed embarrassed. "I don't know. I feel dumb. I'm sorry."

"No, no no. Don't feel dumb. I feel different than usual too. This whole thing feels different. I like you, and I like everything you've let me know about you tonight." I replied.

"I'm just nervous." He said.

"I'm nervous too, but why do you say that?"

"I get in my head a lot, Uh, I romanticize everything. I,- I think way too much. I probably sound so dumb right now but I want to be in this same moment forever."

I smiled again. "We can do that."

These open waters,
These open waters

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