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Ramsey Burton is an aspiring actress. The sad part is that she's 27 and still hasn't had her big break. She's done mostly tv appearances, with a few recurring roles here and there. She's also had a couple small roles in film, but nothing major at all. The payoff isn't much, but Ramsey still has a passion for acting. She truly believes she's better than her resumé suggests.

She was headed to a audition for a new film. Her new agent, Scott Thayer, had booked it for her. It was for the lead role. She didn't know what he was thinking, her background was not going to impress any casting director. However, she decided to go with it. If anything, she'd get some decent exposure from it. Scott also represented other actors, the only one she'd really heard about was Jared Leto.

She had gotten the dialogue for her audition a week prior. The film was about a man and woman falling madly in love and getting married. Then, suddenly the wife goes missing. That's all Ramsey knew about it. The writing was incredible, though, so she was excited.

She arrived and saw Scott talking to a bearded man with a pink beanie on his head. "Oh, Ramsey, you're here." Scott made his way over to her. She looked at the other man for a second, trying to figure out if she'd seen him before. Jared Leto, she thought. He looked similar to his character in the new Blade Runner movie, but his hair was longer and his beard was bushier. She didn't really get the movie, but the visuals were stunning.

"Just do what you need to do to get ready. You and Jared can read from the scene when you're ready." Scott said. "Oh, I'm reading with him?" "Yes, he's been cast as the husband. Oh shit- I forgot to introduce you two!" He turned to see that Jared was messing with his phone. "Jared, this is Ramsey Burton." Jared perked up and walked over to her and held out his hand. She shook it. "Hi." Ramsey was the first to speak. "Hey. Ramsey Burton, is that your real name?" She giggled, "Yeah. I know it sounds kinda Meryl Streepy, but I was born with it." Jared and Scott both chuckled. "That's cool. Back in the day, people thought my name was made up."

"I'm a fucking mess, and I don't want to drag you into it." Jared began the dialogue. "I don't care. I love you. Nothing else matter to me."Ramsey said, in character. "I think we could really love each other." "We'll get bored." Jared replied. She let a happy tear fall as she said, "That's okay." It wasn't in the script, but Jared tenderly wiped her tear away with his thumb. "I'm going to disappoint you." He chuckled. "I'm going to disappoint you too, and that's fine. We'll learn as we go." "Let's do it, kid." They smiled at each other like idiots that were in love.

"That was perfect, guys!" Ann, the casting director, was pleased with their chemistry. "You were great. I wasn't expecting a tear, but I liked that you did it." Jared said to Ramsey. "Thanks! It just came naturally, I guess." Ann chimed in again, "Thank you, Miss Burton, we'll be in touch." "Okay, great. Thanks for the opportunity, Scott. Jared, it was great meeting you." "Same to you, Burton." Scott put a hand on her upper arm and confidently said, "You should expect a call from me later, there's no way their gonna find someone better for this role." She laughed, "Okay, see ya later." She took her agent's words with a grain of salt. She'd learned not to get her hopes up when it came to auditions.

"She's the one. I don't want anyone else playing the wife." Jared stated to everyone after Ramsey exited the room. "Go tell her she's got the job." Ann replied. "Hurry, before she leaves!" Jared jogged out of the room and eventually found Ramsey on the street. "Burton!" Startled, Ramsey turned around. "Hey, you've got the part." She put her hand over her mouth then took it away. "Seriously?!" "Seriously, we all loved you." "Oh my God!" She threw her arms around him. "Thank you so much!" "Be back here at 10 a.m. tomorrow. We're going to do more reading for the crew." She retracted from hugging him, but kept her hands on his shoulders. "Sounds good. I'm so excited." She then realized where her hands were. "Oh, sorry." "It's okay." He chuckled. She smiled, "Thanks, again. I'll see you tomorrow." He watched her walking away and thought, she's cute as fuck.

A/n- Just saying, I obviously don't technically know how the film industry works in any of its areas. I'm just researching what I can and making up the rest. Same thing goes for my other story, Scripted Attraction. Don't judge me😝

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