Thank You

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The day had finally come. Lethal Desire was to have its premiere in L.A. It was the day the two of them had awaited for what seemed like forever. It was the reason they met in the first place. Jared wanted to keep her in the states because she was perfect for the role. This led to their fake relationship and marriage. They fell in love along the way. Neither of them were looking for love, but they soon realized that life has other plans sometimes.

The couple stood in the shower together. Jared was finishing up washing Ramsey's hair and he kneeled down, running his hand across her ass cheek, over the red hand print he had given her during their previous love making session. He pressed a kiss to her cheek before leaving a trail of kisses up her back, gliding his hands along her hips as he did so. Ramsey bit her lip, enjoying the feeling of her husband's lips on her hot skin. He stood up and pecked her shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her.

She turned in his arms, and started to slowly run her hands down his torso. He had been bulking up for a new movie role in the past few weeks, and she was loving the results. His biceps were bigger now and his abs were more outrageously sculpted than before. She started kissing his chest, but he stopped her. "We have to get ready for the premiere, love." She looked at him and kissed him one last time. "You're right. Hair and makeup people will be here soon. No time for more boom boom." Jared chuckled. She turned off the water and opened the shower door. He swatted her bottom on the way out.

Ramsey wore a custom gold Gucci gown, per Jared's request. He dunned a tailor-made tuxedo by the luxury brand as well. Just as they finished her makeup, the couple were in the car on the way to the theater. This was to be their first red carpet together. Ramsey had certainly never walked the carpet with anyone, and Jared, though he had been in the industry twice as long as she, had never brought a significant other to an event. This was very foreign to the both of them.

"I have to say, I'm kinda nervous. I've never walked the red carpet with someone before. And I think I'm in the movie a lot." She was aware of him not being able to watch his own films. "It's weird to watch yourself, but I'm dying to see the finished product. Just watch it for me, okay?" Ramsey giggled as she looked at him. "Okay." Jared said calmly and kissed her cheek. "Plus, I have something to tell you that might make you feel better." "Yeah?" He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "What's that?" She paused for a moment to take a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."

"What?!" His eyes widened. "I found out a couple of days ago. I wanted to surprise you today!" "Ramsey!" Jared kissed her and when he pulled away he said, "We're having a baby." He had to say the words out loud because he couldn't believe it. He had his hand on her stomach for nearly the rest of the ride. This feeling of joy was too overwhelming to contain. They were both all smiles for the entire red carpet premiere. They didn't take their eyes off of each other for more than a moment during the whole night.

The film was met with rave reviews. The couple managed to keep Ramsey's pregnancy under wraps until award season came around. They realized that they would be photographed on the red carpet again, and her growing belly could no longer be concealed. Therefore, they decided to announce the news on social media. Jared tweeted a photo of Ramsey's bump with both of their hands cupping it, with the caption: Baby Leto coming soon! Jared couldn't resist using his favorite word to tease fans.

The movie and its two leads were nominated for a slew of film awards, Golden Globes and even Academy Awards among them. Jared, Ramsey, and the bump attended the Globes, with reporters and other celebrities alike asking different questions about the pregnancy and if they knew the sex. The couple opted to let themselves be surprised by their baby's gender. Time went on, and her due date came closer. The date was weeks away, however, so they were planning on going to the Oscars.

Baby Leto had other plans. Ramsey's water broke the morning of the award show. She woke Jared and he frantically gathered whatever they might have needed and drove her to the hospital. He was confused as to why things were moving so slowly in the delivery room. "Jared, labor can take hours upon hours." "Yeah, I guess I didn't realize that when you told me your water broke earlier. I panicked I guess. I didn't know what else to do." "Sweetheart, calm down. Everything will be fine." Ramsey assured him.

Approximately 12 agonizing hours of dilating and pushing later, Ramsey and Jared's child made his debut. A perfectly healthy baby boy. Jared was asked to cut the umbilical cord and he left Ramsey's side for the first time to follow the doctor and nurses to the other side of the room. He observed them cleaning the baby up and checking his little body for any abnormalities. One of the nurses swaddled the baby in a soft blanket and gently handed him to Jared. He looked into his son's eyes and felt a tear seep down his cheek.

He carried the newborn over to his mother who sat on the same bed he was delivered on. Ramsey's whole body glowed as she took her child into her arms for the first time. After awhile, Jared got onto the bed next to her and the couple took the time to appreciate the life they created. She took her eyes away from the baby to look at her husband. "Thank you." "What?" "Thank you for giving me this life. I wouldn't have this if it weren't for you." "It's you that's given me this life. I wouldn't trade our family for anything." He said as kissed her forehead.

Neither of them won the coveted Oscars they had been nominated for, though they were thankful, they weren't upset. They only looked forward to raising their son and being creative in their respective careers. They were excited to take on this next chapter together while learning more about each other and falling more in love along the way.

I'm so happy to give this story its ending. I hope you enjoyed this couple's journey. I loved writing this but now is the time to move on. As usual, thank you so much for reading!❤️

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