Moving Day

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Now that Ramsey had rid herself of Liam, she could focus on the work required for Lethal Desire and get settled into her new life as Jared Leto's roommate. Scott had called them both to let them know that there was a dinner for the cast and crew in two days. Tonight, however she was to begin moving her belongings into Jared's house. She took everything to Taylor's and Jared was going to pick her up and help her move everything.

"So I've mostly got clothes. Do I need to bring any furniture?" Ramsey asked Jared when he arrived. "Not necessarily. I've got a dresser you can use and plenty of closet space." "Okay. Come on in and grab stuff." They got inside and met Taylor. "Hey." Jared greeted the other woman. "Hey, Jared." Taylor smiled at him. "These two boxes need to go. I can grab one if you get the other-" Ramsey was interrupted by him bending down and picking up both boxes in a stack. Taylor's jaw was practically on the floor as she was mesmerized by his flexing biceps and tightening forearms.

Jared walked out and Taylor said, "Jesus, you need to climb that. Like a fucking tree." "Oh, God, just grab something." Ramsey picked up a box. Taylor bent down to grab one as well. "Don't tell me you've never thought about it." "Of course I have, but it's not really convenient right now." "What's not convenient?" "There's a lot going on right now. I'm moving in with him and we have to focus on the movie. I don't need to be thinking of ways to get him into bed." By now they were outside and headed to Jared's car. "If you say so." Taylor concluded.

They got everything of Ramsey's crammed into the car. "Thanks for all your help, Tay. I don't know what I would've done without you." "You bet, now get the hell out of here." Taylor joked, "I'm sick of you." Ramsey flipped her off and Jared said, "Bye, Taylor." "Bye, Jared." She sighed almost dreamily and waved as they drove off. "Hey, is she single?" Jared asked as they went down the road. Ramsey laughed and smacked his arm. "I think she's falling in love with you." "I can tell. I think I've got the wrong woman moving in with me." They both laughed now and she said, "Shut up!"

They got to Jared's and he gave Ramsey a complete tour of the place. Afterwards, he showed her the bedroom that she'd be staying in. She was relieved, as she had hoped she wouldn't have to share a bed with him or anything. "It's kinda plain. You can do what you want with it." He said to her. "Thank you so much. For everything." "Just be great in this movie, kid." He tapped her shoulder as he walked passed her and out of the room.

The two of them got all of her boxes in her room and he left her alone to settle in. She started putting her clothes away in the dresser and then in the closet after running out of room. She was sorting through her bras and underwear while looking over her Lethal Desire script when she heard a banging sound coming through the walls. Slightly worried, she came out of her room. The noise continued, and it was now accompanied by moaning sounds. Ramsey felt her heart beating fast in her chest as she moved closer to Jared's room.

Kinda smutty.

She noticed his bedroom door was cracked open. It was just enough to see Jared laying on the bed on top of someone. His entire backside was exposed and his glutes contracted as he thrusted forward. Ramsey didn't know what possessed her to watch the sexual act, but she couldn't make herself look away. She knew it was incredibly wrong and a huge invasion of privacy, but she was completely entranced. The sound of the woman moaning never ceased and only got louder. Ramsey shook her head to bring herself back to reality. Reality was that she was a peeping tom and she was disgusted with herself.

She returned to her room and got into the bed. Trying to sleep in a new place was difficult enough, but the sex noises coming from Jared's room did nothing to help. The action happening elsewhere in the house was hard to ignore, but Ramsey thanked the Lord that it eventually stopped. She tossed and turned for what felt like an hour or so, then she drifted off into sleep.

The next morning, she woke up and took her toothbrush to the bathroom. She spotted Jared in the kitchen, luckily she didn't notice him notice her. She finished up in the bathroom and carefully peeked around the house. There was no sign of another female in the house. She walked over to the kitchen. "Hey. Sleep okay?" Jared greeted her. He was shirtless and his sweatpants were hanging daringly low on his waistline. She nearly felt her knees get weak at the sight and she hoped he didn't notice her nervousness. "Uh-yeah." It was so hard not to stare at him.

"I don't really have any food around here. So I figured we could go grocery shopping. Maybe we'll get photographed while we're there." She nodded, "I smell what you're stepping in. Let me jump in the shower first?" "Of course. Whenever you're ready." He replied, then he frowned. "Smell what you're stepping in?" "Yeah, like I catch your drift? I get what you're saying?" "Oh! I like you. You're funny." He chuckled and she smiled at him. She couldn't help but notice how the morning light shined perfectly on his skin. It looked so smooth and soft, she wondered- "Shower?" Jared's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Oh, shit yeah." She took off to her room to gather some clothes for the day.

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