For Real

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After Jared left that night, Ramsey felt heartbroken. However, she was mostly disappointed in herself. She was too concerned with her own feelings that she neglected his. Deep in her heart, all she wanted was to give him the world. This man had given her a place to stay, a way to continue to live her dream. Along the way, she started to love him. Unfortunately, she was afraid she had lost her chance at happiness with Jared.

Jared returned home not long after he had left. He couldn't stop thinking about Ramsey. The other woman he'd been seeing was great, but she wasn't the one he wanted. The one that he wanted was in his own home. He opened up Ramsey's bedroom door. Her room was dark, but there was just enough light coming in from the window to see her stunning face. He kneeled down by her bed and gently brought his hand to her face stroking it slowly with his thumb. The contact broke her away from her slumber and she was met with his all too familiar blue orbs.

He smiled at her when her eyes opened. Her heart started beating hard and she couldn't help but mimic his happy grin. "How was your date?" "Short." She looked at him longingly, "I'm sorry. I should have told you how I felt." "And how do you feel?" He leaned closer to her. "Like I want to date you... for real." He grinned widely and leaped up onto the bed with her. "What took you so long?" He kissed her passionately. It was late at night, so the two of them fell asleep cuddled up to each other. His head rested next to hers on the same pillow.

Morning came and Ramsey was the first to wake. She sat up in the bed and looked down at Jared sleeping peacefully. The sight of him laying next to her made her heart inexplicably happy. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. She returned to her bedroom to see Jared waking up. He looked over at her and smiled, "Hey. Come here." She slid back under the covers with him. "What do you want for breakfast?" She caressed his face then slowly combed through his hair with her fingers. "Um, cereal."

They sat at the island together eating their cereal. "I have a meeting today for the tv series." He stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. "But I have the day off." He whined in protest as put his arms around her. "It won't be long. I'll be back in an hour or so." "Okay." He pecked her lips. "When you get back, we can just hang out for a while then we'll go to dinner later. How's that sound?" He raised his eyebrows at her. "Perfect." She kissed him deeply this time.

Jared walked her to the door when she was ready to leave for her meeting. She wrapped her arms around him, "I think tonight after dinner we should have some real alone time." She said suggestively as she grinned. "Do you know how long I've waited to hear you say that?" He purred. She snickered, "No, exactly how long?" He poked her side, tickling her. She shoved his hand away. "Stop!" She couldn't control her giggling. "Good to know you're ticklish." He teased. "Get out of here, I'm sick of you." Ramsey kissed him once more before opening the door. "Bye, honey." Jared winked at her as she walked out of the house.

While driving, Ramsey had Taylor on speaker phone, telling her about what's going on with Jared. "So are you guys like an actual real couple now?!" "Yeah, I think so. I've never felt like this before! He's amazing." Taylor practically squealed on the other line. "I'm so happy for you! I knew this would happen all along. You two always had chemistry!" "I was actually calling to ask you if you could meet me at the mall. I don't have for tonight." "You mean lingerie?! Hell yes I'll help you! He has to be great in bed. Plus he's older than us so he's had a lot of practice." Ramsey laughed, "I'd appreciate it if you'd stop being in love with my boyfriend."

Ramsey had been gone for about half an hour. Jared took some time to answer emails. There was a knock at the door out of no where. Her meeting must have been shorter than she expected. He thought, surely she didn't forget her key. He got up to go answer the door. Once he opened it, he was met with a blunt kick to the stomach. He grunted in pain and doubled over. "How does it feel to be fucking someone else's woman?" He heard a voice shouting at him. He looked up but saw a fist coming for his face. The other person was too quick for him to block. "Do you fuck her all night long?" The voice continued to taunt him.

Jared was then tackled by the guy and punched a couple more times. He was able to recognize his attacker as Ramsey's ex, Liam. Jared gripped Liam's fist, as he was stronger than the man on top of him. He retaliated by punching upward into his face a few times. He was able to knee Liam in the ribs to get him off of him. Jared hovered over Liam and began to pound his face with his hands for several seconds. Jared got up on his feet quickly and kicked the younger man in the gut twice. Jared held his abdomen as he tried to breathe. "Now get the fuck out of here. Come near us again, and I'll fucking kill you." Liam remained on the ground, groaning in agony. "I said fuck off!" Jared yelled and bent down to grab the guy's shirt, forcing him to stand, and shoved him down the driveway. Liam eventually got into a car and drove off.

Ramsey returned home an hour later and Jared was sitting at the island waiting for her, since she had texted him saying she was close to home. "Hey." She said before she looked at him. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw a bruise forming on his left cheek bone. "Jared, what happened?!" "Oh, it turns out your ex is an even bigger douche than I originally thought." His attention then turned to the bag she was carrying. "What did you get?" She ignored his question. "Liam did this to you?! That motherfucker just can't quit." She was fuming. He came around the island to her and pulled her into his arms.

"I'm fine. You should see what he looks like." She touched his bruise carefully and noticed a small cut. He winced at the contact. "You have to file a restraining order against him." "No." "Jared you can't just do nothing. He fucking attacked you!" "It's okay, baby. He got my message. I don't think he'll bother us again." She looked at his eyes and nodded in understanding. "I'm so sorry he did this to you." She put both hands on his face as she kissed him. "So, what's in the bag?" He grinned as he attempted to peek inside. "Nothing!" She moved passed him to take the bag to her room.

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