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Ramsey remained shaken up by Liam's death. Jared attempted to take her mind off of it by talking about their "wedding." He originally planned for September and it was now nearing the end of August. They talked about just going to the courthouse. But they also discussed getting married at a place where Jared frequently rock climbed. He joked that they could wear matching tie dye onesies. Ramsey was seriously considering it, she noted that it'd certainly be unique.

Halfway There's first season had wrapped even though she struggled with her lines a few times. The rest of the cast and crew were very understanding of her traumatic experience. The wrap party was to be held that night and Jared convinced her to go. They got dressed up and he drove them. "Thanks for taking me tonight." "You bet." He said. "I hope people don't think badly of us going to a party after what happened." "It was an unfortunate thing to happen, but it's not on us. Why should we go into hiding or hang our heads in shame? Life continues no matter what."

They arrived at the party and Ramsey wasn't expecting so many people or paparazzi to be there. Cameras flashed and they hollered at the two of them as they walked in. Jared took her hand. "Does the public know the dead guy was Liam?" She asked him as they entered the building. "No, reports said it was a stalker or something like that. No name." "At least they don't know it was my ex." He put his hand on her upper arm, "Don't think about it tonight. Just enjoy yourself."

Ramsey's costar, Dustin, came up to her. Jared apparently saw somebody he knew, so he wandered off. "Everyone's so glad to see you here." Dustin said to her. "Yeah, I'm glad to be here. The show has been such an amazing experience." "Yeah, they think it'll do really well on tv." Just then, Scott Thayer appeared next to them. "Oh, my dear. I feel like I haven't seen you in years." He hugged her. "How are things with lover boy?" His question caught her off guard, especially with Dustin nearby. "Oh, good." "Listen, you are not what happens to you. People will not think any less of you because of the thing with your ex."

"You mean, him dying?" Ramsey said in a somewhat nasty tone. "Yes." Scott said with a hint of shame. "It's good that you're here. I just meant that your career won't suffer." "Well, thanks." Scott walked away. "That guy's kind of a douche." Dustin remarked. "Yeah, he's my agent. I could fire him, but-" She stopped mid sentence. "But what?" He was curious now. She grabbed his hand and took him somewhere that they'd be isolated. "Can I trust you with something that's the biggest and most important thing in my life?"

She went on to tell him everything about her arrangement with Jared, even the real feelings in between. "So, if you actually have feelings for him, why aren't you together?" "He doesn't want to be with me." "What a fucking moron. Any guy would be lucky as hell to have you. I just can't believe you guys have pulled this off." "Yeah, it hasn't been easy." "What if I took you on a proper date? Don't worry, I'm not Jared Leto, so we probably won't be photographed." She giggled. "I think I'd like that."

It was getting late in the evening, and Ramsey was searching for Jared to go home. She saw him talking to a black haired woman whose eyebrows were clearly created with a kit. Jared and the mystery woman were near the door and cameras were flashing just beyond it. Ramsey called out his name. He looked at her suddenly and said goodbye to his companion. "Ready to go?" He asked as he approached her. "Yeah." She replied and headed for the door.

The next morning, there was a knock on the door while Ramsey was watching tv alone. She opened the door and Taylor walked in. "Oh, my God!" Ramsey exclaimed as she embraced her friend. "It's been too long!" Taylor said. "Have you seen Jared on social media today?" "Did he post something?" "No." Taylor said and pulled her phone out and scrolled through Instagram. She presented her with a celebrity gossip post. The multiple photos showed Jared talking and laughing with the strange woman Ramsey recognized from the night before. The caption read: Spotted: Jared Leto getting flirty with...not Ramsey Burton.

"It's like he wants to fuck everything up." "It's really unattractive for a guy to be so sleazy. I mean, from you've told me about him bringing women home and now stuff like this, I don't like how he's disrespecting you." Taylor said. "Honestly, whatever he does is on him. As long as he marries me, I don't care. My green card is valid so once I'm married I'll take the next step to apply for citizenship." "I know, but Ramsey, he doesn't have the right to treat you this way." "It doesn't matter because I have a date tomorrow night." "A date? With who?!" "Dustin." Ramsey smiled. "Your costar? But you're getting married." "Doesn't stop Jared." Taylor laughed, "very true."

The two women went to brunch, and Jared was up when Ramsey got home. "Hey." He greeted her. "You know that my fiancé was photographed flirting with another woman last night?" "What?" She scoffed, "Oh, come on Jared. You had to know that there were pictures being taken. They're all over Instagram and who knows where else." "Shit." "Doesn't seem like you're holding up your end of the deal. What are people going to think?" She mocked him. His voice got loud, "This isn't about the deal, or what people think. You're jealous."

"I can assure you I'm not jealous." He laughed, "Oh, really?" "Yeah, in fact I have a date tomorrow night." He frowned, "What are you talking about?" "Remember Dustin? He asked me out. I told him the truth about us." "I can't believe you're trusting this guy who only wants to fuck you." "He's not like that. He's a gentleman, unlike you." She took off towards her room. "Why are you walking away? Are you seriously going out with this guy?" He followed her and she stopped and turned around in her doorway. "Yes, I am." "Please don't." "Why, Jared?" She folded her arms across her chest.

"Because I don't want you to." "You flirt with anything female and beating heart and I can't go on a date?" "Okay, I don't even remember that girl's name from last night. I'm a flirt and everyone knows it. But I just don't want you-" He stopped speaking and started to slowly pace around. "Don't want me to what?" "I don't want you going out with anyone else." "Why?!" "Because you're mine."

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