Ramsey's Birthday

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Ramsey returned home to California by herself. Jared had texted her "Happy Birthday," but she didn't reply. None of the birthday texts she received from other people made her forget the emptiness she'd been feeling since Jared rejected her. She arrived at their house and noticed someone standing in the driveway. She felt nervous, but got out of the car. Liam. He was holding something. As she got closer, she realized it was a gun.

"Liam?" She trembled. "You're engaged." He laughed. She saw that he was sweaty and manic. "How nice for the lovely couple. Do you love him?" "Liam, put the gun down." She said cautiously. "I don't know if you've realized this or not but, my life is shit." "What are you talking about?" She decided that maybe she could keep him talking and nothing bad would happen. "I lost my job, my apartment. Meanwhile, you're living high on the hog with Jared Leto." He laughed again. "And it really pisses me off. I'm fucking homeless, and you're getting married to some rich douchebag."

"Liam, I'm sorry, but I have nothing to do with-" "Shut up!" He pointed the gun at her. "Oh, Happy Birthday by the way." Suddenly, a car pulled in. Jared's car. He got out quickly when he saw what was happening. "What the hell are you doing here?!" He yelled. Liam smiled at him deviously. "Oh, that's right. You threatened to kill me if I came near you. But look who's got the gun, pretty boy." Abruptly, Jared tackled Liam and a shot went off. Ramsey screamed.

Jared started choking him and the other man's face was turning red. Liam was flailing, hitting Jared in the arms and face. The gun was between them, Liam had a finger on the trigger. It took all of his strength to attempt to point it at Jared. In an instant their was another gunshot and at the last second, Jared was able to avoid it. Blood started running out of Liam's head. Ramsey clasped her hands over her mouth and started crying. "Call the cops." Jared said, straddling the dead man.

She fumbled with her purse to retrieve her phone and dial 911. After she hung up the phone, Jared embraced her. He had one arm over her back and his other hand rested on the back of her head. Ramsey cried into his chest as her hands were clasped to his back. "He's dead isn't he?" She sniffed. " Yes." He replied. "I'm just grateful that you were here." She breathed out. He stroked her hair. "It's okay now."

Ramsey's cries softened and Jared mostly remained calm during the several minutes that it took for the ambulance and police to arrive. Liam was pronounced dead when they got there. The police questioned Ramsey and Jared for a while and ultimately ruled the case as self defense. They were eventually allowed to go inside their house. The two of them were quiet for what seemed like a long time. They sat in their separate rooms. After a few hours, Ramsey went to the kitchen in an attempt to find something to eat. Jared must have heard her moving around. He joined her in the kitchen.

Jared was the first to speak, "What are people gonna think when this thing gets out?" Ramsey frowned. "That's what you're thinking about? I didn't think you cared what people thought. I mean a guy died in our driveway. And you're worried about your image?" "No-" "You know, I'm not sorry that he's dead. He came here with a gun and he intended to hurt someone, and he deserved what he got. But he was obviously sick in the head and needed mental help. So what you just said is fucking insensitive." She stormed back into her room.

She slammed the door, and he was right behind her. "I'm sorry, Ramsey. That was a shitty thing to say. But I'm so relieved that you're okay." She stood by the door, listening. "I'd hate myself everyday of my life if he'd done something to you. I care about you, Ramsey, more than you can ever know." She opened the door and looked into his eyes. She pressed her lips to his and he pulled her into his body, not in a sexual way, but in a way that was comforting. He kissed her back, and then pulled away. "Get some sleep, okay?" She nodded.

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