Our Sex Life

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The next morning, Ramsey woke up, happy to see her husband in bed next her. She also felt guilty for her behavior the night before. She picked up the hotel phone and ordered breakfast. Afterwards, she gently brushed a piece of hair out of his face and kissed his cheek. She decided to take a quick shower and brush her teeth.

Ramsey came out of the bathroom and saw Jared on the bed getting some work done on his laptop. "Hey." She said as she sat down next to him. "Hey." He smiled softly. "Breakfast is here." "Look, Jay, I'm sorry for being a bitch last night. I just freaked out." "It's okay. Let's just forget about it." "I really love you," she said touching his bicep, "and I'm sorry for questioning our relationship." "I said it's okay." Jared placed the laptop on the night stand. "Now come here," he said as he grabbed each of her legs to pull her onto his lap. He held her face in his hands, looking at her lovingly. "Let's eat breakfast. Then we can make love, Mr. Leto." Ramsey stated in all seriousness. He chuckled and said, "Yes, Mrs. Leto."

Sometime later, Jared rolled over in bed, breathing heavily. He let out a sharp breath, "Damn, it's like it keeps getting better. Don't you think?" He looked over at Ramsey. "Yes, Jay, you're a god." She giggled. "Did you.." His voice trailed off. She had an inkling of what he was getting at. "What?" "Did you cum?" She couldn't lie to him, and with no immediate response he assumed the worst. "Ramsey! You didn't even try to fake it or anything!" He sat up and turned toward her. "I figured a fake orgasm would be worse. How the hell do you fake an orgasm anyway?!" He looked at her dead in the face and raised an eyebrow. "You're nearly a 30 year old woman and you don't know how to fake one? What about with Liam? You never faked it with him?" She scoffed, "Usually, if he wasn't getting the job done, I just laid there. As our relationship went on, he didn't really care if I got off or not." "Baby, I don't want you to just lay there. Let me know if I need to step it up." She sat up and scooted closer to him. She put her hand on his wrist. "You are always amazing. Our sex life is on point if you ask me. But, just think about it. Sex doesn't always have to have a climax. Just being with you is satisfying enough for me." He smiled, "Okay, I guess I understand. I love making you cum, though." He leaned in and started kissing her neck.

"No, no. Let's get out of bed. Go to the beach or something. Or whatever it is people do on their honeymoon." He grinned, "Most people spend it in bed, or so I've heard." He attempted to snuggle up to her, but she got out of the bed. "C'mon, let's get out of this room for awhile." Jared groaned and said, "Fine." He got out of bed as well, and they got dressed.

They decided to go walk around the outlet mall in the city. They held hands as they browsed in and out of the stores. Only a few people recognized Jared, which was bearable. They weren't followed or photographed that night. They were able to put their arms around each other and kiss occasionally. He spent the time just watching her...be. Ramsey was so beautiful, not just in her looks, but in her soul and the way she carried herself. If someone asked him five years ago if he'd ever feel this way about someone he would have said "never." He simply didn't have the time to fall in love. But with Ramsey and their arrangement, it just happened. He loved her. He felt so lucky to have her.

They returned to the beach and sat in the sand. Ramsey sat between Jared's legs and rested against his torso. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close as they watched the sunset. "You know it's been hours since I checked my emails?" He pointed out. "Yeah, I noticed you didn't even check your phone once tonight." She caressed his forearm. "I'm proud of you." Ramsey laughed. He got his phone out. "Just as I was saying-" "I want to take a photo of you." He interrupted her. "Before the sun goes down, babe."

She moved away from him, unsure of what to do with herself. She wasn't a model, she didn't do many photo shoots. "What do you want me to do?" "Just look at the sunset." He snapped a couple from behind and she looked back at him. The colors of the sky hit her skin in an almost salacious way. He managed to capture one before she started laughing. "I can't take this seriously. I can't try to be sexy." He took a few of her laughing. "You don't have to try. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." "You don't have to say that."

He kissed her lips tenderly. "I love you so much." The sound of the ocean waves was soothing. They were both thankful for this relaxing getaway and felt closer than ever. "Let's do it right here." He suggested, excitedly. Ramsey blushed, "People can see us!" "It'll be dark in just a couple of minutes. No one will see a thing. Please, you are so gorgeous right now." He leaned forward and kissed her deeply this time. "Begging is so unattractive, Jared." He grinned and smacked her ass, producing a giggle from her. His hand slid onto her hip. She moaned into his mouth. He tugged on the skirt of her dress, dragging it upward until he had access to her womanhood.

She felt his fingers glide between her folds. "I can't believe we're doing this." She bit her lip. "I want to be on top." She kissed him briefly and pushed him onto his back. He watched her pull her panties down. She straddled his waist and unzipped his pants. She placed his stiff cock at her entrance and lowered herself. "You feel even better than this morning." She moaned. He held onto the smallest part of her waist. Ramsey had lovely curves, but he somehow just realized how small her waist was. She pressed her hands to his chest and started grinding on him.

To his delight, she began to rotate her hips. She alternated between the rotating and bouncing up and down. His fingers dug into her lower back. "Fuck, Ramsey." She leaned down to kiss him and she tugged on his bottom lip with her teeth. The gesture made him groan and a rush of thoughts went through his head. Did his wife want it rough? Did she know what she'd be getting into? How had he not thought about this before? He had become distracted and was no longer focused on what happening. "Jay? You're inside me. Look at me." He shook his head. "Sorry, love. Continue, please."

She stopped moving. "Are you thinking about work?" "No!" "You were totally into this two minutes ago. It was your idea, and now you're not paying attention to me." He didn't want to tell her about the other sexual side of him. It's not like he thought she'd divorce him because of it, but he didn't want to scare her. "I'm just gonna go to bed." She got off of him and slid her panties back on. "Are you mad?" She sighed, "No, maybe you're just tired or something and can't focus. Come on." He was relieved that she wasn't angry. He made a mental note to stop fucking up with her.

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