All In

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"Because you're mine."

"Are you serious, Jared?" Ramsey asked, frowning. He sighed and put a hand on his forehead. "What do you want?" She asked intently. He looked her straight in the face. "You." "You don't want to be single?" "No, I'm done now." She laughed, "You're serious?" "Yes." He wrapped his arms around her, smiling. "So we're a couple again?" "Yes, now shut up." He pressed his lips to hers as she held his face in her hands. It was safe to say that Dustin was now a distant memory for her. "Okay, no more back and forth. Let's do this for real, without breaking up again." She said with a deep seriousness in her tone. "I know, I know. I'm all in, I promise. I love you."

For the next couple of weeks, it was all about wedding and reception planning. Jared and Ramsey decided on getting married in the courthouse. They would wear matching tie dye onesies. Ramsey loved the idea of not wearing a white gown like every other bride. Their wedding outfits would be unique to their relationship. The reception would be at their house. Jared knew how to throw a kickass Halloween party, therefore Ramsey knew their reception was in good hands.

The wedding date approached and everything was in order for when the married couple returned home. They would be welcomed by their reception guests. There was a caterer, DJ, the whole thing. There weren't many decorations, they wanted it to feel like a house party. All invitees were asked to keep it casual dress, the couple was getting married in adult onesies after all, it wasn't a fancy event.

Ramsey was in the bathroom, putting some finishing touches on her loosely curled hair. There will be some pictures, she thought. "Aww, look how fucking cute you are!" Jared practically squealed as he entered the bathroom. He hugged her from behind and looked at her in the mirror. "You are so beautiful, my bride. I can't believe I'm saying that! I'm so happy." Jared had been giddy since they got back together for real. Ramsey would be lying if she said she didn't feel the exact same way. "I know, I can't believe it's actually happening. We've done it." "It's been challenging for sure, but so worth it because I have you." He held her tighter and kissed her cheek. "We better get going. Our family is prepared to hold down the fort until we get back from the courthouse."

They exited the bathroom and met her parents as well as Taylor, and his mother and brother in the kitchen. There were catering staff walking about, carrying and placing chafing dishes. "The car is ready for you." Veronica said. Jared gave Ramsey's hand a squeeze and they looked into each others eyes as he left her to hug his mom. "Honey," her mother stepped closer to her, "I want you to be happy-" "I am Mom. I love Jared. He's done so much for me. We respect each other. I never knew I could feel this way." Veronica smiled, "Alright. Go marry that man." Ramsey hugged her mother. Daniel walked over to the two women. "He obviously cares about you, otherwise he wouldn't have gone through the trouble to keep you in the States. Seems like a hell of a guy after all." "Thank you, Dad." After an embrace from her father, Ramsey joined Jared outside.

Taylor and Shannon were selected by the couple to stand by them as they were married. The four of them were taken to the courthouse via a driver, in case word got out about the nuptials. This way they wouldn't be spotted so easily. "I'm so excited this day is finally here!" Taylor exclaimed. Ramsey smiled widely as she hooked her arm around Jared's and rested her head on his shoulder. He pressed his lips to her forehead.

A/n- Sorry it's been awhile! ❤️

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