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"I'm in love with you."

Jared's words came as a shock to Ramsey. She could barely come up with a reaction. "I wasn't expecting that. You're not just saying that because of the sex are you?" She had lifted her head up off of his chest and looked him straight in the face. "No, no." He sat up and rested himself on his elbows. "I said it because it's true. I want this. I want everything with you." He kissed her, "Say it back." He whispered against her lips. "It back." She grinned. He chuckled and pecked her again. "I love you, Jared."

He made love to her again, slower and more sensual than before. For the entirety of their second time, he was either looking into her eyes or kissing her. After they finished, he cuddled up to her chest and fell asleep to the sound of her breathing. Sleep found her too, as she stroked his hair slowly.

They showered together the next morning and afterwards they both stood in front of the vanity. Ramsey was applying her makeup while her wet hair was wrapped up in a towel, another towel around her body. Jared was trimming his beard. His towel hung on his hips and she couldn't help but gaze at his body occasionally in the mirror. There were still some beads of water on his skin that were illuminated by the morning light coming through the window.

She was brought to her senses by Jared's voice. "Hey, babe I've been meaning to tell you that we've added a few shows in Canada to the tour." "Really?" "Yeah, I had to pay homage to my..lady." He grinned at her in the mirror. "So now it's like a US/ Canada tour." "That's sweet." She moved closer to him, putting her arm around his waist and she kissed his shoulder. "We'll be in Toronto the week of your birthday. I thought you'd like to come and bring your parents to the concert."  "God, I love you. I can get used to this thoughtful side of you." "Well, I care about you." He pecked her lips and then dropped his towel. She took a second to admire his backside before he pulled on a pair of underwear.

Ramsey dried her hair and got dressed in her bedroom. Jared was in the kitchen. "Maybe we should start moving your stuff into my room." He said to her when she approached the kitchen island. "Oh, yeah." He took a drink of water. "It's weird how quickly things are changing with us." He walked around to be next to her. "But I'm really happy about it." He held her hand, "You want to get breakfast somewhere?" "Yeah, sure." "Let me get some shoes and we'll go." He walked away and his hand slowly slid out of hers.

His phone vibrated on the counter and she couldn't help but look at it. A few different female names lit up on the screen. Ramsey's heart sank. She wondered if his womanizing ways could actually cease since they were together now. "Hey, let's go." She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't hear his footsteps coming her way. He grabbed his phone on the way out.

"So-uh who are all those women texting you?" Ramsey asked as they drove away from the house. "You looked at my phone?" "I mean, I'm your girlfriend. Are you hiding things from me?" "No, I'm not." He seemed irritated. "I didn't mean to look at your phone. You got a notification and I got nosy. I'm sorry." "It's okay. Just don't worry about anything." "I just know how you are, Jared." "And how am I?" He glared over at her. "I've seen you with women, Jared. A lot of women. You're a flirt and that's fine but, are you sure you can be satisfied with one woman?" He scoffed, "Of course I can."

"So how much longer until the movie's finished?" Ramsey asked after they ordered food. "Couple weeks or so." Everything he said back to her was short and emotionless. "Are you gonna leave for the tour right after the film wraps?" "Yep." She nodded and looked over to another table awkwardly. Then she noticed him watching two pretty women standing together by the door talking and laughing. "Jared?" He looked at her after hearing his name. "Why do you do this?" "Do what?" "Anytime we fight you just shut down and stop talking. How is this going to work?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. Maybe you're right. Maybe I can't be confined to one relationship. But it's like you don't want me to try." "I do want that, but I don't want to force you." "You're not forcing me to do anything! And besides, we haven't been a couple for that long. It's hard for me to get used to." "We're not like other couples! We've lived and worked together for months. We know so much about each other. I understand you, and I want to make you happy. But I'm scared that I can't." His voice was angry, "I told you I love you. Why isn't that enough?" "You have to prove it too." "Oh, so I look at other women. I admire women. I admire all people. Am I supposed to only pay attention to you?!" "Yes." She said boldly. "I want to be selfish with you, Jared. And I'm not sure if you can be okay with that."

He listened to her carefully, and then replied, "We have to try, Ramsey. We love each other." "I want this to work." He held her hand tenderly. "Me too." He gave her a reassuring smile.

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