Figure You Out

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Filming for Lethal Desire had been going on for two weeks and everything was right on schedule. Ramsey ultimately decided to use her nerves as fuel for her performance in front of the camera. Jared was so good as the serious business man. It was easy for her working with his professionalism. The dynamic of their characters was really interesting. Ramsey was playing the whimsical younger woman who teaches the middle aged man to enjoy his life again.

They were currently filming scenes for before Ramsey's character goes missing-the falling in love parts. The director, James, was setting the scene for them. "Jessa is upset when she tells Eric she loves him because he will inevitably wish that she wasn't in love him. Then eventually he admits that he loves her too. You're not going to look at each other until he says he loves you." Jared and Ramsey sat far apart on a bench at the bus station they were filming at. "Action!" James called out.

After doing the scene twice, James asked Ramsey to cry. At the beginning of take three, Ramsey looked off into space with tears welling in her eyes. "I'm falling in love with you." Her voice cracked when she said the last word. Jared groaned and put his head in his hands. "No. Don't say that." He leaned forward onto his lap. "I'm divorced, I'm losing all my money, please, don't.." His words drifted away. She wiped a tear away, waiting for him to speak again. He sighed, "I fucking love you." Ramsey immediately looked over at him. "What?" "I fucking love you. Okay?" She wiped her eyes dry and smiled as she looked at him. "Cut! Great job guys. I think we're ready to move on now."

The day ended a few hours later after they finished a scene in Eric and Jessa's apartment, which was a real vacant one downtown. "Tomorrow we're probably going to spend the whole day here." James said as they finished up. "We'll do the sex scene tomorrow as well. You guys will get some privacy for that." He said to Ramsey and Jared. She felt all of her nerve endings jolt at the statement. She'd do dramatic, flirty, or funny scenes with Jared all day, everyday, but the thought of a sex scene with him was all too intimidating considering she'd already had a sexual experience with him off camera.

It had become routine for them to go home and one of them would eat while the other showered, and they'd alternate days of who was  doing which first. Tonight, Jared had the shower first. "You know," he began as they came through the door, "we could shower together and save water." He looked at her and grinned. She rolled her eyes playfully. He would throw little innuendos at her occasionally. Of course she was attracted to him, but she didn't want to be another link in his lust chain. He'd already brought home a few girls during the short amount of time since she'd moved in.

She was eating a banana and looking over her lines for tomorrow when he emerged from the bathroom wearing only a towel. She noticed beads of water falling from his hair and beard onto his shoulders and chest. A man straight out of the shower had to be her biggest weakness. He was focused on his phone, he seemed to be texting. He looked up at her, "What's on the menu for tonight?" "I had cereal." Ramsey said. "Sounds good to me." He replied. He fixed himself a bowl then sat down at the island, eyes still on his phone screen.

Not content with silence, Ramsey spoke. "What are you doing?" He didn't respond for a few seconds and she thought maybe he was ignoring her. "I'm inviting someone over to help me...relax." He couldn't stop the tiny smirk creeping onto the corner of his lips. She raised her eyebrows then looked back down at her script. "Don't you ever get tired of just sex? You don't want anything more?" "Burton, I've had relationships. But at this point in my life, sex is mostly just a physical act. Something meaningless to relieve stress or whatever. I just need it sometimes."

"I don't know," Ramsey said, "I feel like sex would be best between two people that love each other. Not that I know too much about that." His attention was no longer on his phone. "Have you ever been in love?" She threw away her banana peel. "Yeah. With someone who didn't want to love me." "What happened?" "He was focused on everything else he was doing. He didn't have time for a relationship." Jared was silent for a few seconds before saying anything. "So that's why you're not jumping into the sack with me." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

She hadn't realized how her past had come into play with her arrangement with Jared. It made sense though. She inadvertently avoided revisiting old feelings of being used. "I like trying to figure you out, Burton. Great work on the film, too. Can't wait to have sex tomorrow." He said casually then took his cereal to his bedroom. She stayed in the kitchen for a little while longer. About ten minutes after Jared left, the doorbell rang. Ramsey opened it the door to reveal a skinny blonde woman. "Hey, I'm looking for Jared."

"Jared! Your guest is here!" Ramsey called out. "Wait, who are you?" The blond asked. "Oh I'm his fiancé." She answered sarcastically then returned to the island to retrieve her script. The blonde's face scrunched up in confusion and crossness at Ramsey. Jared came into view and said to her, "Please don't mind my cleaning lady, she's obsessed with me. Come on." He led his guest to his bedroom and Ramsey retired for the night as well. She had stolen a pair of Jared's noice canceling ear pieces for nights like these.

A/n- This is more of a filler than I thought it was going to be, but I love writing this story😊

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