It's Over

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Ramsey was awakened by her alarm. Jared said he'd pick her up around 7:30 to go to the deportation office. She looked at her phone. 7 missed calls and 10 texts in a row from Liam. She decided to ignore them and jump into the shower. She got all ready to go and went to the kitchen for something to eat. Taylor was making scrambled eggs. "Hey, want some?" "Yeah, that'd be great." "So you're sure you can prove that you're in love with Jared?" Taylor asked as she sat down for breakfast. "I mean, we're both actors so we've got that going for us." Both women giggled. "I think we'll be fine."

Suddenly, there was a vicious knock at the door. "Oh, Jared's here a little early." Ramsey remarked as she stood up. "Why would he be knocking like an asshole?" Taylor quipped. Ramsey opened up the door to reveal an angry looking Liam. "You can't answer your fucking phone?!" He spat out at her. "What do you want?" "Oh, nothing. It just seems that my girlfriend is Jared Leto's new fuck buddy!" Gossip news, she thought. "We had lunch. Not that it's any of your fucking business anyway!" "The two of you are all over Instagram and the internet, Ramsey! What the fuck is going on?!"

"Burton, is everything okay?" She heard Jared's voice coming down the hallway. "Yeah, I'm ready to go." She moved passed Liam, who was fuming at the sight of Jared. "Where the hell are you going?!" "None of your business!" Ramsey hollered as she speed-walked out of the building with Jared following behind her.

"That's your boyfriend?" Jared asked as he opened the car door for her. "I don't want to talk about him." She said as she got into the passenger side. They took off down the road. "Oh, before I forget," he took a black velvet box out of his jacket pocket, "here." "Oh, Jared." She took it and opened it up and saw a beautiful, shining round diamond with a smaller peridot stone on either side of it with a gold band. "My birthstone?" She smiled, feeling almost giddy. "To show that I'm thoughtful. And it's more personal, like I really know and love you." He looked over into her eyes and winked at her. "It's so gorgeous. The diamond is huge. How big is it?" "4 carat." "Wow, you really do love me." She joked, "Thank you. You really didn't have to be so extravagant." "Just playing the part." He replied.

They arrived at their destination and got out of the car. "Put the ring on." Jared whispered. "Oh, shit yeah." She slid it onto her ring finger then took his hand as they walked inside. They waited in line for about 15 minutes before speaking with the lady at the front desk. "Hey," Ramsey began, "I received this letter in the mail." She pulled it out of her purse. "But I'm here to let someone know that I'm getting  married." "Mr. Turner will see you when your name is called."

They were now seated in a waiting area. "What are we going to say in there?" "Just go along with what I say." "Burton!" She heard her last name called. She grabbed his hand and they walked into the office room. "Have a seat." They did as they were told and awaited what the man was going to say next. "My name is Paul Turner." He looked at Ramsey, "I assume that you are Ramsey Burton, and you are?" He looked at Jared. "Jared Leto, her fiancé." "I see, and when is the wedding?" Jared spoke again, "September." Ramsey's eyes widened as she stared at Jared.

"What are the living arrangements like in the relationship?" "She's actually in the process of moving in with me." Wow, he's got all the answers, she thought. "Well if all of that is true, I see no reason for you to not stay in the country. I'll want to see you two again in 30 days at your residence, Mr. Leto, to make sure you're living together. Other than that, I think we're done here." Jared and Ramsey both stood up. "Thank you so much, Mr. Turner."

"I didn't have to say anything. You were great in there, Jared." He put an arm around her shoulders as they were walking out. "I'm there for you, babe." She blushed. "Oh, and were doing a rehearsal tomorrow for the film." She cringed, "Oh, God, I haven't even been thinking about the movie. I'm going to be so terrible, Jared." "No, you won't. But, if you need it, I can get the schedule pushed back." "No, no. I'll just work really hard. I want this so bad." "Okay. But you can let me know if you need more time to prepare. Everyone will understand." "Thanks, I appreciate it."

He was driving her back to Taylor's place. "September, huh?" She looked over at him. "Scott and I have a plan. You'll see. Everything will fall into place." They got back and Taylor met her at the door. "You need to go talk to Liam just so he'll shut up. He hasn't stopped calling and texting me." Ramsey took out her phone, "I've just stopped paying attention to my phone." She looked at it and saw more missed calls and texts from Liam. "I'll go. He's such a pain in the ass lately."

"What the hell is going on with you Ramsey?!" Liam yelled at her as she came into the apartment. "How long have you been cheating on me?" "I haven't. It's hard to explain-" "Are you fucking him?!" "No, I'm not." "Then what's going on between you two? Last I knew you were dating me!" "Liam stop! It's over! I don't love you. This honestly has nothing to do with Jared, I just don't want to be with you!" Liam sighed and sat down at the table. "I'm sorry." She put her hand on his wrist. "I've found a new place to live. I'll get the rest of my stuff out of here tomorrow." With that she walked out of the apartment.

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