Too Jealous

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Two months passed and Lethal Desire had wrapped and 30 Seconds to Mars is currently touring the US. The band also released their highly anticipated new album to great success. Things have been running somewhat smoothly between Jared and Ramsey despite being separated for days or weeks at a time. They talk on the phone at least once a day. Right now, he has two days off and he's planning on surprising her.

She'd started filming the tv series Halfway There and had gotten close to her co-stars. There was one in particular named Dustin, who had grown up acting in a different sitcom. His career hadn't really taken off since then, much like Ramsey's. They related to each other in that way and joked around a lot. They finished up filming for the day and Ramsey was walking outside with Dustin. "So, what are you doing this weekend?" "Oh, I don't know." "Well I know you have a boyfrien-" "Jay!" She saw Jared walking towards them and her heart jumped.

She ran into his arms. "Babe! What are you doing here?!" "I had a couple days off, where else would I be?" He kissed her lips deeply and after a few seconds, she realized how rude they were being to to Dustin. She pulled away from Jared and looked over at the other man who was standing there awkwardly, seeming like he didn't know what else to do. "Jared, this is Dustin. He's in the show too. Dustin, this is my boyfriend, Jared Leto." Dustin held out his hand to the older man. Jared put an almost territorial arm around Ramsey then shook Dustin's hand. "Nice to meet you, Jared." "Likewise." Jared turned to Ramsey. "Ready to go, babe?"

"He wants to fuck you." He said when they got to the car. "What are you talking about?" She said as she got into the driver's side. "That guy. I know how guys act in all situations and he wants to bang you." "No, he doesn't." "Do you want to fuck him?" She started the car, "No! Oh my God, Jay. How could you ask me something like that? Why are you so jealous all of a sudden?" "I don't get jealous." He turned his attention away from her and looked at the road ahead of them. "It sure as hell seems like it." She retorted.

They got home and Jared got out and went to the back of the car. "What are you doing?" She rounded the back of the car to see him unloading luggage. "I took a cab from the airport to the studio. I put my bags in the car before I saw you." "Aww." She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. She then grabbed a bag and they walked into the house. "How's the tour so far?" "Great. I miss you, though." "Well, I've been thinking about coming to a show. I feel awful being your girlfriend and only seeing you perform on tv or YouTube." "You've seen me in the studio." "I know, but I want to see you on stage. It's like I won't really know you until I watch you perform." He grinned widely, "I fucking love you."

They made vegan pizza and after they finished eating, Jared wanted to relax on the couch. He rested his head in her lap. She caressed his face, and he let her mess with his beard. She noticed his hair getting even longer. "The album is doing really well, right? I thought you were gonna shave the beard if it got to number 1." "I haven't gotten around to it." "I'll do it." "You want to?" His eyes widened as she looked down at him. "Yeah, get up."

They went to the bathroom. Ironically, he left his clippers at home when he left for the tour. He sat on the edge of the tub and she put a towel around across his chest and over his shoulders. She used the clippers to shave as much hair away as possible before using a regular razor to take care of the rest. Eventually his face was smooth like she'd never personally seen. She slowly ran her fingers across his cheek. "Like a baby's ass." She said. He stood up and looked in the mirror. "Oh my Lord." He touched his hairless face. "Thanks babe." He turned around and embraced her, kissing her cheek.

"You look so handsome." He took the towel off of his shoulders. "Yeah? Can I show you how much I missed you?" He purred. He kissed her neck and she moaned. He bent down and picked her up over his shoulders, producing a yelp and giggle from her. He started walking towards their shared bedroom. "Wait, Jay. I just remembered I have to call my mom." He stopped and put her in her feet. "Way to kill the mood by saying the word 'mom'." She put her hands on his chest. "I'm sorry. It won't take long. I'm just going to let her know that everything is set for the concert and hotel room in Toronto next month." "Oh, shit yeah your birthday is in a couple weeks." She smiled, "Yep." "I gotta make a call too. But afterwards, I'm gonna rock your world." He said seductively.

Ramsey went to the kitchen to call her mother while Jared stayed in the living room. While finishing up her discussion, she saw Jared smiling and laughing on the phone as he walked into their bedroom. She said goodbye to her mom, who was excited to finally meet her daughter's boyfriend...and soon to be "husband." Ramsey stepped quietly toward their room. She stopped at the door. She felt wrong about eavesdropping, but he since they lived together was it really "snooping?"

"Oh really?" Jared said to the person on the other line, he seemed giddy. He kept talking flirtatiously and laughing in a way that made Ramsey think that he was not conversing with one of his buddies. She knocked on the door that was halfway closed. He turned around and said, "Hey, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." He hung up the phone. "Who was that?" "Don't worry about it." He went over to her and pulled her close. "Who were you talking to, Jared?" She asked intently.

"Are we back to this, really?" "You've been on tour and I don't know what all you're doing. What am I supposed to think?" "Okay fine! If you have to know, it was my friend. I've known her for years. Maybe our relationship seems flirty, but that doesn't mean I want to fuck her. If you're so concerned with what I'm doing on the road, then maybe we should just end this!" Anger and finality were evident in his tone.

Ramsey put her hands on her face. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm being a typical jealous bitch, and I hate that. It's just that I'm crazy about you and I can't handle someone else having your attention." "That's how I felt when I saw you laughing with that guy at the studio." "Maybe we shouldn't be together." His demeanor suddenly softened. "No, baby. We can work it out." "We haven't been able to work it out for months now, Jared. We're going to be apart all summer. Face it, it's just not working right now."

"I know what I said before, but I don't want to break up. I love you, Ramsey." He attempted to hug her. "No. I'm sorry but I can't get over how you've been in the past. You used to bring women home all the time before we got together." "I'm done with that now, I swear! I've never cheated on you." "That doesn't mean you don't ever get bored with me. I know you do, and if we continue to be a real couple, you'll start resenting me." He sighed and sat on the bed. "I think we have too much passion between us. We're both too jealous."

"Maybe we should cool off for a while." She sat next to him. "I think we could be in love at some point in the future. But we have other things going on." "Yeah it's hard to put on a happy face for the cameras when we're actually trying to grow as a couple and we're learning and fighting." "Exactly." She agreed, then to conclude, she said. "I want you to know that I love you." She looked at his face, searching for reassurance. "You know I love you too." Ramsey smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"So, do you not want to have sex anymore?" He joked. "Actually, that sounds great. We can have...casual sex, right?" She crooked her eyebrow at him. "I don't know how casual it is if we live together, but sure." "Let me go call Taylor first." "What do you need to call her for?"  "To let her know that you're single again." They both laughed. She left the room and Jared hollered after her, "Hurry up and bring that hotness back here."

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