Chapter 2: Surprises surprises!

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As I was zipping up my suit case I herd a twitter chime on my laptop. I was expecting a mention from Stella but instead it was someone I didn't expect. I looked at the name and nearly passed out. It read, Harry Styles: "ah! @stella_marie57 so your the contest winner? Well congrats! Hope to see you at the airport tomorrow!"

**** (present time)

I sit on my bed because i feel like I'm about to pass out. "Harry styles just tweeted me! Harry FLACKING STYLES tweeted me!!!" I fangirled to myself til I herd a car door shut. I jumped up and looked out my window to see Ella struggling to get 2 large suitcases out of her car. "El, we're only gonna be gone for a week tops! You look like you packed your whole wardrobe!" I laughed as I helped her pull her luggage out and into my room. She looked at my small suitcase Layin on the edge of my bed. "is that all your taking?" she looked at me curiously. I nodded only for her to blab her was off. "Stel! We're freaking meeting One Direction! You need to bring as much cute stuff as possible! The radio man threw in like 3 surprises a us earlier! There could be more! Pack more! All the cute stuff you can find!!"

She had a point. I walked over to my closer and pulled out my 2 large suitcases and loaded them with nothing but cute clothes and stuff. I looked through my drawers and saw my favorite pair of Victoria Secret bra with matching panties. I only owned Victoria Secret bras and panties because I am a secret Victoria Secret Angel. I didn't tel anyone except El because it never seemed like it was appropriate. I piled all my Lacey and sexy pairs of bras and matching panties in my bag. I packed a few dresses and heels and cute outfits.

"okay I think I'm packed!" I told El who, to my surprise was still babbling on. Another chime came from my laptop. To my surprise (again) it was Niall Horan: "so siked for this show in Orlando, FL in 3 days! Can't wait to meet our lucky contest winner @stella_marie57 tomorrow!" I just smiled to myself and fangirled inside to be soon interrupted by a scream in my ear.

"OH MY FLACKING GOSH!! NIALL HORAN TWEETED YOU!!!!!!" she squealed and jumped up and down. "so did Harry!" I giggled to her. I showed her the tweet and she fangirled and soon I joined in! In less than 24 hours I'll have met 5 of the worlds sexiest boys! I went back to my laptop and started pecking on the keys. "@Harry_styles @OfficialNiall can't wait to meet you guys too! Won't come soon enough! Xxx" I read over the text and pressed send. I walked away from my computer only to be alerted with the sound of non-stop twitter chimes. I noticed my followers list go from only about 25 to 300+ in only a few seconds! My newsfeed consisted of "@stella_marie57 you are so lucky!! Congrats!" "omg @stella_marie57 is so lucky! She gets to meet the boys!" "so jelly, @stella_marie57 gets to meet 1D! That's should be me!! Have fun!" but three caught my attention. Louis Tomlinson: "@stella_marie57 I'm part of the group too!! Are you not happy to see me? :(" Zayn Malik: "@stella_marie57 am I invisible?" and Liam Payne: "@stella_marie57 HURT!!! :(" I giggled to myself as I replied. "@louis_tomlinson YES IM HAPPY TO SEE ALL OF YOU! @zaynmalik far from invisible love! :) @real_liam_payne I Sowwie!! I'll make it up to you tomorrow! I promise! :) <3" I laughed to myself as I pressed enter. I stopped and listened. Too quiet. I turned around to find Ella passed out on my bed lightly snoring. It was 12:47 am. I turned my laptop off and pulled the charger out of the wall an put it in it's bag and placed it on my suitcase. I smiled to myself as I climbed into bed. I'm meeting One Direction tomorrow! I turned on the radio and popped their cd in and dozed off into a deep sleep.

- - - - -

It seemed like an hour ago I fell asleep but it's now 9:30 am according to my alarm clock. I sighed to myself and sat up. "Today's the day!" I thought to myself. "I'm getting to meet 1D! I wonder of any of the will fall for me! That would be amazing! No, amaZAYN!" I love all the boys but yet my heart belonged to one in particular! Harry Styles! He's flawless, his perfect chocolate brown curls, perfect green eyes, the way his dimpled for on his cheeks, his perfect white teeth. He's just flawless! I was pulled out of my fangirl moment as soon as Ella sat up.

Loving you is so easy [One Direction Louis Tomlinson love story] COMPLETE!Where stories live. Discover now