Chapter 3: i just.. with.. louis tomlinson.. in a laundry room?

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I looked up to the 5 sexy boys in the faces. My heart started to race a thousand miles an hour. El and i exchanged looks and smiled. "Sorry we didnt mean to run over you two!" i herd a sexy irish accent say. Niall Horan of course! "yeah we didnt realise you were that close loves." came an exbelievable. Harry Styles. Niall and Harry held out their hands to me and El.

"Here let us help you up!" they said as we took our hands. The second i touched Harry's hand it sent shivers down my spine. i shook it off. "Thanks!" i blushed as he pulled me up. I just stared in to his eyes. It felt like i could see into his soul. the beautiful green eyes. He stared back into mine as if he was a winner. Brian snapped his fingers and pulled us out of our moment.

"Okay guys! C'mon guys! lets go to the hotel!" he said as he clapped his hands as he pushed all 7 of us into the limo.

we all crawled in and was amazed. It was huge! there was a tv on one side of the limo and a bar on the other side. there were about 12 seats. i slid as Harry sat down next to me. then louis, El, and Niall. Liam and Zayn sat across from me. i pulled out my phone and pecked on the keys again.

"Sitting with @ella_bella57 @Harry_styles @niall_horan @Real_Liam_Payne @Louis_Tomlinson @zaynmalik in a tricked out limo!! gonna be a great week!! Xxx" as soon as i hit send i herd 6 phones go off. i looked aroud to everyone who was reading my update

. i gave everyone except Ella a confused look. Of course El would have my tweets sent to her phone but the boys? i shook it off. i saw all 5 of the boys pecking on the keys then herd my phone go off 5 times.

i looked down to see the boys tweeted. i had their tweets sent to my phone becasue i was just that much of a fangirl. their tweets consisted of "chillin in the limo with the boys and 2 awesome hott girls" "this day is gonna be awesome! Xxx" "damn these girls are fine" "Girls are here and headed to the hotel!" "yup my thoughts were accurate! hot girls;)"

i giggled to myself and put my phone up and turned to El as soon as i herd the boys song come on. we squealed and started dancing. Before we knew it, the limo turned into a huge dance party. the guys were doing some crazy dnace moved which made me and El laugh more. Before we knew it, we were at the hotel.

"Alright guys and gals! were at the hotel!" the driver opened the door.

the boys screamed and ran out the limo. These boys are crazy and are just like any other teenagers! i thought to myself as i walked out of the limo. i jumped on harrys back as he was trying to get his luggage out of the trunk.

"you think we would of noticed luggage in the trunk earlier El." i laughed as i got off harrys back to get my luggage.

"You guys packed 2 bags each??" zayn finally spoke up. we nodded blushing. "jeez and i though i packed a lot" he said as he pulled out 2 suit cases and a duffle bag.

we all walked up to the attendents desk as the boys checked in. "I CALL THE BIGGESTT BED!!!!!!" I screamed as i grabbed the key card from Louis and ran to the elevater with El as we tried to shut the doors before the boys only for them to stick their hand in so the doors couldnt close.

the doors shut and i sighed. but what the boys didnt know was that i still had the key card.

i winked to El and we shuffled to the front of the elevator where the doors were. the elevator dinged once we got to the top floor. Apparently the penthouse.

the doors opened and i threw zayn's bag at the boys as me and El ran as fast as we could to our room. i unlocked the door as me and Ella stood there in shock at how big the penthouse was. We snapped out of it as soon as we herd the boys running down the hall way. we dropped out big suitcases and ran to each room seeing which one was the biggest. As soon as we ran past the kitchen i found the biggest room. it looked like the size of 2 of the rooms combined. i threw my purse and make up bag on the bed in time for Louis to run to the door way.

Loving you is so easy [One Direction Louis Tomlinson love story] COMPLETE!Where stories live. Discover now