Chapter 7: daddy direction moments<3

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i felt like i was drowning in my own tears.

ive never felt like this before.

The nightmares quit coming once i met the boys. They put me to ease. But they were back.

Why was Louis mad at me?

What did I do?

It was a stupid dare.

It's not like it ment anything.

God Zayn! Why'd u dare Harry to kiss me? Why?

Those questions still flooded my ears as if my mind was screaming them at me. Like i was mad at myself.

The same re-occuring nightmare was flooding thru my sleeping mind.

- - - - - - -

"NO!" i screamed at him.

He only stalked closer to me.


He only walked closer to me with an evil grin on his face. His horrific blue eyes, and red hair.

Before i knew it, he had my arm and jerked me to the floor.

His foot made impact on my ribcage as it made a cracking noise.

I saw his fist ball up and pull back his face was inches away from mine

- - - - - - -

"STELLA!!!!" i felt someone trying to shake me.

My eyes flew open and i sat up our of breath.

I had been crying in my sleep.

"It was only a dream." the beautiful brown eyes were staring into mine.

I looked at him for a moment and fell into his chest crying.

"Liam, the nightmares are back!" i cried into his shirt.

He stroked my hair trying to sooth me. it kinda succeeded.

"what nightmares babe?" he asked as he pulled me to look me in the eyes.

I looked Liam in the eyes and let more tears fall. I trusted Liam right?

Of course you do Stella! hes daddy directioner! Hes the one to talk to !

"Well," i started as Liam wiped my tears away. "to start things off, im adopted. i never knew the story of my real parents. and i never knew them. i was adopted when i was 4." i said as i stood up to go get my big shirt out of my drawer. Since i was half naked from the truth or dare last night.

He nodded telling me to continue. So i did.

"Well my adoptive dad Chad was nice to me when i was little. Then one day my adoptive mom Melissa decided to leave when i was 14 and leave me with him. He was furious. He didnt know what he did to her to make her leave.So one day i was in my room minding my own business when Chad came storming into my room drunk and started fussing at me." i explained as Liam laid back patting the bed inviting me to lay next to him. so i did.

"So he started yelling and i didnt say anything which apparently made him mad. He reached his boiling point and hit me. He kept hitting me. Until i was left in my room with a broken arm, a bloody nose, and a sprained ankle." i paused as i felt Liam tense up under me. I rubbed his arm to calm him.

"i didnt talk to him til he was sober. He told me that if i told anyone he beat me he would wind up finding me and getting revenge. So if anyone asked, i told them i fell down the stairs. Ever since, hes gotten drunk more and more and the more he got drunk, the more i got beat. I still have bruises from when he threw me the day i won the contest" i sighed as i drew cirlces on Liams chest then sat up to show him the long scar looking scratch on my back and neck then my rib. "thats the nightmares i keep having. the memories playing back in my head. All of them. They went away when i got with you boys and after Louis leaving me last nigiht, i had one." i said as a tear fell down my cheek and onto his arm.

Loving you is so easy [One Direction Louis Tomlinson love story] COMPLETE!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang