Chapter 4: Things are perfect.. Then I opened my mouth.

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We played hide and go seek for hours. We got here around 5 and it's now 8. we forgot about dinner.

My stomach growled as in agreeing with my thought.

We were all laying on the couch in weird positions.

I was Layin down across the couch, Louis sitting under my head, Liam, under my legs, Zayn was laying across the back, Harry and Niall were laying on the floor and Ella's head was in Nialls lap. He was playing in her hair.

I smiled at them. They are so cute. They would make a perfect couple!

Then I herd someone else's stomach growl. It was Louis.

"why don't we go grab some dinner before someone's tummy jumps out and attacks us." I laugh as I pay Louis stomach and sit up right.

"sure!" everyone says.

Everyone went back to our rooms change. I herd someone following me but I didn't worry about it cuz it was probably one of the boys going to the room next to mine.

I walked into my room and into my closet where all my clothes were. I pulled out the skinny jeans I was wearing earlier and a blue striped shirt. I pulled off my clothes only to feel warm hands on my waist.

"you are so beautiful." He whispered as he spun me around.

"Lou you scared me half to death!" I laugh as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"you know I couldn't see you earlier cuz the lights were off, but now I can. Dang girl, you need to be a model." he whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine and sparks thru my body.

Haha I already am, I thought to myself.

"I get that a lot" I giggled.

I walked away to the bathroom only to feel his state on me.

"you can pull Victoria secret stuff off you know that?" he called to me. I just laughed as I herd him walk out the door and shut it behind him.

I sigh and look at myself in the mirror and fix my hair. I walk back out to my closet to get my clothes I set out. I pulled the short sleeve shirt over my chest and put it in place.

Now for the hard part. Pulling these super super skinny jeans on. I sat on my bed and stuck one leg thru at a time.

I got my feet thru but now the only thing left. My thighs and bum. I get up and start to jump around only to hear someone knock on the door.

"who is it?" I say still jumping.

"me, Niall!" he called

"come in!" I say. I really didn't care if he saw my panties. I'm a bra and panty model for crying out loud. Everyone's seen me like this before. I don't know how the boys don't know that's me already.

"woah, sorry I'll just leave." Niall said as he saw my pants half way up.

I laughed "Niall its okay! I don't mind. Help me?" I ask as I fall to my bed.

He laughs and walks over.

"Okay you pull this side up while I jump." I explain as I point to where he needs to pull.

"why are you wearing such skinny jeans?" I asks me after I finally get them pulled up.

"cuz they make my bum look Hott!" I walk away strutting it then walk back to see his mouth open. I walked over and shut it then ran my fingers thru his hair and get my converse.

"you look like u just saw a ghost Niall." I herd Liam say.

"oh! Sorry I just, uh.." he started but then walked out.

Loving you is so easy [One Direction Louis Tomlinson love story] COMPLETE!Where stories live. Discover now