chapter 20: mixed signals

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I stood there looking into louis eyes and then my mind went into overdrive.


'but you love him stella!!' my heart told me softly.

'HE IS NOT RIGHT FOR YOU!' my mind yelled.

'SHUT UP!!!' i thought.

'im going crazy' i thought again.

i was snapped back to reality to find all the boys running to me to give me a bone crushing one direction hug.

*3 hours later*

we all sat on the couches in the living room chatting about anything and everything.

Lacy woke up as soon as the boys got home because of the commotion.

i held her in my arms as i hummed to her.

she looked up at me with her tired eyes and she smiled at me.

"may i hold her?" louis asked quietly.

i looked up not realizing who asked.

"huh?" i asked looking around to everyone.

everyone looked at me funny except louis who spoke up again. "may i hold her."

i looked down at lacy who was almost asleep.

i nodded and handed her to him. he cradled her in his arms and sang to her.

i missed him singing to me.

no i dont. stella stop this! he broke your heart and cheated on you with some slut.

i sighed and stormed off into my room tired of all these emotions.

i could feel everyones looks on me as i stomped up the stairs.

i sat on the balcony as i looked at the stars.

it was about 11:45p.m. just then i herd someone knock on the door.

i didnt want to be bothered so i didnt answer and apparently they went away.

Just then, i felt a hand lay on my shoulder. i jumped and turned around to see niall.

"oh, its you." i laughed as i sat back down on the rocking chair.

"yeah, its me." he smiled his charming smile and his cute irish accent bled thru each word. "you okay?" he asked.

i shrugged.

"is it louis?" he asked.

i looked at the ground and slowly nodded.

"well, im not here to convince you to not go back to him but, if it

helps, me and ella havent been to great either." he sighed as he sat on the floor next to me.

"what? whats going on?" i asked shocked to the news. they were like the perfect couple! it seemed like nothing could come between them. but maybe i was wrong.

"well, my job, her going back to school, its all really crazy and it just so happened that someone pulled a recent photo of her and her ex boyfriend from a while ago out and sold it to the tabloids. i didnt know what to do so i got irritated and to be honest, kinda pissed. i yelled at her and she yelled at me. she thinks i dont trust her. i mean, i do but what would she of done? she would of done the same thing. i mean, why would she think-" niall ranted as he began to look angry and clentched his fist.

"niall." i said as i placed my hand on his.

he looked up at me and slightly smiled.

"sorry, got carried away there." he said shyly.

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