Chapter 8: Giving is what i do best.

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*Harry's POV*

"hey lads, its time to get up!" i walked into each of the boys rooms to shake them and wake them up.

Louis hit me, Niall threw an ampty bag of chips at me, zayn groaned and rolled over. I sighed to myself and headed off to Liams room.

"knock knock. Time to-" i stopped midsentence to see Stella and Liam sleeping together.

I stood there in shock when i herd someone coming up close behind me. I jerked around and shut the door. It was Louis.

"hey mate. whats going on? why didnt you wake up Liam?" he questioned rubbing his eyes. he was still in nothing but boxers.

"oh i did. I just shut the door for him to get ready." i lied. "hey why dont you go get dressed and we all can run down to Starbucks." i suggested as i shooed him off to his room. i sighed and opened Liams door again.

"Liam." i said as i poked his shoulder. Luckily Liam wasnt a heavy sleeper like Zayn, who i had to roll him out of his bed for him to wake up.

"What? Harry! this isnt what it looks like! She had a bad dream last night and i told her to sleep with me so i can comfort her!' he panicked as he looked down at Stella who was still asleep but now laying on his chest.

"Dude i know. i understand." i calmed him down. "but you better hope Lou doesnt see this, if he does he'll automatically assume you two slept together." i told him truthfully.

"where is he now?" he asked me as he tried to rub Stelllas arm to wake her up.

"hes in his room getting ready. When she wakes up, tell her that If he sees her walking out of your room just say she came in here to say goodmorning and to go tell all the other boys goodmorning to make sure no one things anything suspicious. especially Lou." i told him as i patted his back as he smiled a thank you smile.

*Louis POV*

"hes in his room getting ready. When she wakes up, tell her that If he sees her walking out of your room just say she came in here to say goodmorning and to go tell all the other boys goodmorning to make sure no one things anything suspicious. especially Lou." i herd Harry talking to Liam.

So stella slept in Liams room but they didnt sleep together. or was Liam lying? Why didnt she come to me last night if something was wrong? Crap, i was rude to her last night. I thought to myself and remembered her face as she walked away from me last night. i hurt her. some thing i never wanted to do.

I herd someone walking to the door so i ran back into my room.

Harry walked out of Liams room so i decided to walk out of my room to present my dressed and ready self.

"Hey lou." harry said as he walked off to the kitched.

I followed him in there and sat down across from him.

"I overherd you and Liam talking." i lied. i didnt wanna tell him i had my ear pressed against the door. He would think i was spying or soemthing. which i actually was but still.

"You did? Lou look, Stella had a bad dream last night and he told her to sleep with him so he could comfort her. You know Liam, he would never hurt you Lou." he said quickly and all in one sentence.

"i know Harry. its just, i hurt her. Last night when i didnt kiss her goodnight, he looked at me with hurt in her eyes. I really love her. i just dont know how to fix it. i dont even know if shes mad at me or not." i confessed to Harry.

He nodded as in to stay i understand and came to sit next to me to give me one of his big bear hugs. I love our Larry Stylinson moments. Our bromance is one that i would never trade for the world.

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