Chapter 33

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Maggie's POV:
He sees me, quickly turns around and walks into the other direction. I run after him. "Hey Shawn I-." "What is it Maggie?" he asks sighing.

"Is someone in a bad mood today?" I say raising my eyebrows. "I don't have time for that now. So do you need anything or not?" he answers annoyed.

What is it with his mood swings? God it's getting on my nerves! I think I'll do what Jackson said. Make him jealous. I finally want to know how he feels about me.

"Oh nothing I just wanted to tell you that Jackson is driving me home, so don't wait for me." I say smiling sweetly. We usually eat something together on Fridays therefore he normally drives me home. He balls his right hand into a fist and presses his lips together.

Ohhh looks like he doesn't like that. I start to grin and turn around but he grabs my arm, stopping me. "Why Jackson? Are you working on the project?" he asks raising his voice. "First of all why not Jackson and second of all I don't know yet. We still have a lot of time." I answer tilting my head.

His grip around my arm gets stronger. "Because he's an asshole who just uses girls." Shawn growls. "He's actually not that bad and I'm not one of his girls Shawn." I say starting to get angry. He had a serious look on his face and his breath starts to get faster.

He looks so hot when he's angry. What? Maggie focus. He takes a step forward causing me to take a step back. My back is touching the lockers and Shawn is standing only inches in front of me. I rub my nose.

I'm getting nervous. Shawn seems to notice because he starts smirking. We still stare into each other eyes. He puts on hand on the side of my head and leans a bit nearer. I bite my lips making him look at them. What does he want?!

I was about to speak when suddenly the bell rings signaling the students to go to their next class. Thank god. I quickly walk away from him hiding behind the growing crowd of people. I make my way to my next class.

I have PE now. We play volleyball. I'm not bad at it but I can't really play because of my bruised arms. It's still fun to watch Stefanie. She actually just stands there but a ball hits her every now and then. 

This time a ball hits her head and she starts cursing. "I wonder why her make up hasn't fallen off yet, revealing her true witch face. "Emma laughs putting her long auburn hair in a ponytail. Emma's a good friend of mine but we sadly don't have many classes together. I chuckle at her comment. "Are you going to the party?" I ask her.

"I don't know. Are you going?" "Yes." I say grinning. "Oh no. I know that face. What are you going to do?" She laughs. "What about we get ready together and then I'll tell you?" I answer smiling. "Fine I'll go." she mumbles. After PE we head to the changing room. Stefanie and her little clique always shower first.

It's not really a rule but no one wants to me in such a small room with them. I'm sitting on a bench and check my phone. I see that I got a message from Shelley.
Shelley: Hey Mag!❤️ I heard from your accident and just wanted to make sure that you're okey. Please call me if you see this.
I don't know if I'm still mad at her. I mean she promised not to tell anyone but she did it to protect me from another heartbreak. But Shawn seemed so angry after I told him that Jackson is going to drive me home.

Or was he really jealous? That would mean Leah lied to me. Why would she ? I sigh and lean my head back onto the lockers, closing my eyes. "Ahhhhhhhhh" suddenly a girl screamed. I think my ears fell off. It was Stefanie.

Everyone is staring at her as she comes out of the showers with a towel wrapped around her. Oh my god. I start to laugh hysterically. Her hair is a neon like green. She looks at me. If looks could kill I would already be dead. "You! Did you little bitch do that?" she yelled at me. "As much as I wish I would have done that, no I didn't." I laugh.

Breathing heavily, she walks to the mirror. She starts to pull on her now green her and it falls off easily. "What is this?" she screams pulling more hair off her head. After putting her clothes on she storms out. "Whoever did this is going to regret ever being born!" she shouts before closing the door with a loud thud.

It was completely silent before all the girls burst out into laughter. "Oh my god whoever did this deserves an award." Emma laughs as we walk to our next class. I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Where's my award?" Jackson asks grinning. I look at him confused before it hit me.

"No way! You did that to Stefanie!" I laugh. He nods smiling proudly. "Told you she's gonna regret this." "That was like the best idea ever." Emma chuckles. "Yeah that's true." I state. "It was my pleasure." Jackson grins walking away.

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