Chapter 101

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Maggie's POV
Since we are here, he hasn't looked at his phone once though. We finish our food and just sit there talking a bit. "Maggie?" He asks, waving his hand in front of my face.

„Huh?" I ask, puzzled. He chuckles at my reaction and points down at the ring I'm wearing. „Is it new? I've never seen you wearing it before."

„Uh... yeah it is. I got it last week or something." I answer hoping he won't ask more. He nods again looking out of the window quickly. Should I ask why he seems so nervous? I follow his gaze noticing that a group of boys are walking towards the diner. Wait.

Is that Shawn? Aiden? And the whole hockey team. Oh... they had practice before today but since when do they come here?

Suddenly Shawn looks trough the window, spotting me. A small smile creeps onto his lips. I return the smile before looking back at Damian, seeing how his jaw clenches. "So uh how was your english test?" I ask, trying to make him look at me.

„Pretty good. Excuse me for a moment." he mumbles, standing up. My phone vibrates and I pull it out of my pocket, looking at it under the table as Damian goes to the bathroom.
Shawn: Baby let's go home
You: Shawn what are you doing here?
Shawn: Making sure that asshole doesn't get near my girlfriend
You: Shawn stop it
Shawn: Come on. He had enough time with you, I'll be waiting in the car
You: Fine
We already payed so I stand up to look for Damian, who didn't get back for a while now. I walk towards the bathroom, hearing someone talk.

As I get nearer to the boys bathroom, I hear a second voice. Is it Damian? I slightly open the door only to notice that there's another wall between the toilets and the sinks.

Damn it. One of the voices is for sure Damian but I can't hear what they are saying. I have to come closer. I look around to see if someone else is in the bathroom.

Since no one else is there I sneak towards the toilet, quickly getting into one of the cabins before closing the door. Now I can hear them better.

„Are you sure she won't say anything?" I hear Damian asks. „I'm sure but after this you are in there alone okey? I don't want to get into trouble."

The other voice answers, in a strong tone. „I got it. You did your job, that's enough." Damian, states. For a while I don't hear anything but suddenly footsteps get louder and louder.

I hold my breath hoping that no one notices me. For my luck the footsteps disappear. Now I only have to text him that I had to leave.
You: I'm really sorry Damian but I had to get my sister somewhere. Thanks for today x
Damian: Oh no problem! And of course, it was my pleasure ;)
I shut my phone off again and as I was about to get put of here, I hear footsteps again. I wait, noticing that I didn't lock the door.

I reach my hand towards the handle as it suddenly swings open, making me almost scream. „Hey hun." Shawn laughs. „Shawn! I almost had a heart attack!" I breath out, holding a hand to my chest.

„What are you doing here?" Shawn asks amused. „Missed me so much that you went looking for me?" he teases, leaning against the frame.

„I uhh... about that I have to talk to you but can we do that at home?" I question, pulling him out of the toilets, walking to the exit of the diner.

Shawn's POV:
We arrive at my house and quickly go up into my room. Maggie pushes me lightly so I sit on the bed with her sitting beside me. „What's wrong baby?" I ask, placing my hand on her
cheek. My hand seems so big against her face making me chuckle.

„What?" She asks, smiling. „Nothing. I just love you." I say, leaning in to peck her lips. I pull back, seeing a bright smile on her face. God I love to see her happy. She shakes her head before she starts to actually tell me what she wanted to say.

„So um... that's the reason I hung out with him but I hadn't have the chance to look at his phone." Maggie mumbles, placing her head on my shoulder. „And again you waited too long to tell me something like this." I sigh, kind of disappointed.

„You should have told me the day you heard him call someone after the hockey game." I say, turning to look at her. She nods, looking down at her crossed legs. „I know..." „And why didn't you do it?" I ask.

„I'm sorry, Shawn but I just didn't want you to worry. You were so happy about the tour and everything, I didn't want to ruin that." She replies, playing with the silver ring on her finger.

„Maggie, look at me." I say softly, lifting her chin with my fingers. „I want you to finally understand that there's nothing more important to me than your safety." „After your family, future and career." She murmurs.

I smile, grabbing her cheeks with both of my hands gently. „You are already my family and future." I correct her, kissing her forehead. I know cheesy but what should I say? It's the truth.

A contagious smile creeps onto her lips, showing her adorable dimples. „I love you." she whispers, lifting her head up to me but I stop her. „I love you too but first listen to me. Maggie I want you to be honest with me. About everything. This can only work if we trust each other.

It's so sweet of you but please, tour doesn't matter when you can possibly be in danger. So from now on you are going to talk to me okey?" I say, looking deeply into her mesmerizing eyes.

„Okey. I promise." Maggie responds. „And about Leah. I don't think she has anything to do with this. Do you?" „No, me neither." She replies, finally connecting our lips. I sigh smiling as I pull her onto my lap.

Her hand combing trough my hair, sending shiver down my spine. I love it when she does that. I gently trace the soft skin of her back under the hoodie she's wearing, knowing how much she likes that. She bites my lip before pulling away.

„There's something else." Maggie starts. „My aunt has to go back-." „Oh about that! I have good news. My parents and Aaliyah wouldn't mind at all if you stay here. So do you want to?" I ask hopefully.

„Really? Of course! Thank you thank you thank you!." She exclaims, tackling me in a hug and kissing over my face repeatedly. „Perfect. Come with me." I reply, grinning and pull her up by her hand.

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