Chapter 105

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Shawn's POV:
I admire her as she's sound asleep next to me. Her head on my stretched out arm, facing me. The light is shining trough the window, making her brown, slightly messy hair seem almost golden.

Sometimes her nose would crunch up or her eyebrows furrow together before her face returns to her normal state, which looks absolutely adorable.

To be honest I can't feel my arm anymore but I don't have the heart to wake her up. I mean look at her. She's so cute. I don't even know how long I've been staring at her. I lost track of time. I could do this all day.

I know, cheesy but my love for her is just so indescribable strong. I snap out of my thoughts as I feel her shift around. Sighing she rolls onto her back, rubbing her tired eyes.

I move closer to her, starting to stroke her belly under the shirt she's wearing, knowing how much she likes that. „Good Morning beautiful." I whisper next to her ear, kissing softly under it then.

„Morning." she mumbles, an adorable smile on her kissable lips. I lean over her, inching closer until our nosed touch. „We have to stand up hunny. School starts soon." I murmur, placing a quick kiss on her lips.

I know that it's Saturday but it's fun to annoy her. She groans rolling onto her side again and wraps a pillow over her head. „Maggie." I chuckle. Since I don't get a reaction, I crawl on top of her.

One of my hands on each side of her to hold me up. „Come on. We'll be late." I sing, causing her to giggle. The mere sound making my heart swell. I duck down, kissing all over her jaw and neck. „Shawn." she laughs, pushing me off her. I land on my back besides her.

She turns, resting her head on my chest and wrapping her arms loosely around my hip. „Let's just stay home today please. We can... wait. What are you even talking about it's Saturday! We don't have school." She exclaims, sitting up to look at me.

„Oops." I grin. „I hate you. How late is it?" She asks, flopping onto the bed again with her face into the pillow. „Almost half past eleven." I reply, yawing. „At least you didn't wake me up early." she mumble, cuddling her face into my neck.

„Are you hungry?" I ask after a few minutes of just lying there but again I don't get an answer. „Baby are you honestly asleep again?" I ask chuckling as I hear light snores.

Grabbing my phone I dial the number of a pizza service and order her favourite. Mom's not home and we have to leave in an hour to help the others with decorating the hall in school and everything, also I don't want to burn the kitchen.

I decide to let her sleep for another half an hour. She seem not to get that much sleep lately. I think she has nightmares more often since the accident with Leah at the Halloween party.

Carefully not to wake her up I stroke her back. We just stay like this for a while until I can hear her stomach grumble. „Someone's hungry?" I chuckle, kissing her belly, causing a cute laugh to escape her lips.

„Starving!" she says and before I know it she's downstairs. I laugh, running after her. She's only that fast when it's about food. „So what do you wanna eat?" she asks, turning to me. Just in the right moment I hear the bell ring. „Pizza is there." I say, getting it.

„You are the best!" I hear her call after me, making me shake my head smiling. I place it onto the kitchen and we start to eat. „You know that we have to leave soon. You promised to help Emma organizing everything." I point out.

„Mhm." Maggie mumbles, her mouth full of pizza. I smile, finding even that extremely adorable. I don't know what she's doing to me but I want it to stay like that forever.

„What?" she asks, after swallowing the food. „Nothing." I reply smiling. First she look confused at me but then continues to eat anyways. We finish the pizza and I drive us to school where the festival is going to take place today.

I park a little further away from school. Maggie goes in first so no one sees us together. After about ten minutes I head into the big hall too. The stage is already completely set up, fairy lights and decorations all over the wall and some small tables covered with white tablecloths.

„Finally your are here." I hear someone say. As I turn around I notice that it's Emma with a bunch of papers in her hand. „I'm impressed." I say, referring to the decorated hall. „I know. I mean I planned it but thanks." She says, making me chuckle.

„About your performance. Here's a list of everyone who plays tonight, you just have to look when it's your turn. And now don't just stand there and look. Help Aiden and Jackson with the poster!" Emma demands pushing me lightly towards the entrance.

I shake my head smiling. She plans literally every school ball or festival here.
„Hey Mendes." Jackson greets. „Hey guys." „Now that you are here. Can you climb up the ladder and hang the poster up? I'll do it on the other side." Aiden suggests, handing me a rope wich is attached to it.

I climb on top of the shaky ladder almost falling off. „Jackson could you hold it instead of just standing there?" I ask, rolling my eyes as he looks after a girl. Like always. „Yeah yeah sorry." he says, grinning.

I step up the stairs until Aiden and I are on top. Since the ladder isn't high enough I lean forward to reach the wall. „We have to hang it a little higher." Aiden calls over to me as he steps onto the last stair. I do the same finally being able to reach the wall.

„That's pretty high." I mumble as I look down. And as you can guess I didn't use the steps go down but slip while the ladder starts to wiggle, falling off.

Shocked I grab onto the poster and rip it down with me. The only thing I hear are gasps, laughs and a loud thud. Groaning, I push the poster off of me, trying to sit up. I look over to see Aiden also on the floor. I guess he was still holding onto the poster.

„Sorry, man. Everything okey?" Jackson asks, holding back a laugh. „Yeah." I mutter, glaring at him. „Sorry I was kind of distracted." He shrugs, smiling apologetically. „You had one job Jackson." Aiden sighs, rubbing his head.

„Well I-." he starts but gets pushed out of the way by a furious Emma. Great. „Oh my god. You guys had to hang up a poster! Is that really so difficult?" She asks, in a raised voice.

„Let me answer that for you. No it isn't! Now we have to fix the crack in the paper. Good job! You what just go over there and do nothing." Emma grumbles, pointing over to the bleachers of the sports hall.

„Sorry Em." I apologize, before walking past her. I shake my head trying to get the dizzy feeling away. At least I didn't break something.

Suddenly I hear an all too familiar laughter, making my head shoot up. Maggie is clutching her stomach from al the laughing, her phone in her hand.

Don't tell me she filmed it. How nice. My girlfriend finds it funny that I almost died. I grab my phone, deciding to text her.
Shawn: I almost died and you are laughing?
You: Oh come on. It was hilarious. Thank god I have it on video.
Shawn: I could be hurt...
You: Aww my baby. Are you?
Shawn: I don't know. I guess you have check me out later :)
You: Of course you idiot ;)
As I put my phone back I see Leah disappearing quickly out of the hall, into the direction of the lockers. I remember how Maggie told me that Leah's acting weird lately. What is she doing?

I think I'll just wait until she comes back. I stand near the door and after about five minutes she actually comes back. „Oh h-hi Shawn." she stutters, putting her phone in her pocket. „Still alive after your fall?"

„Of course." I chuckle. „Uh... well I have to umm go now. Bye." she says quickly and rushes past me. „Wait Leah! Could I use your phone for a moment? I forgot mine at home." I ask.

She seems so nervous. Like she's hiding something. „Uh sorry but my battery is empty and I have to go. Ask Luc or someone." she answers, smiling a bit before she disappears.

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