Chapter 68

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Shawn's POV:
„F*ck!" I yell, hitting the steering wheel. I just can't believe it. How could she do that to me? I thought she truly loves me but I guess I was wrong... I get out of the car, walking towards the railing of the bridge.

I often come here when I have to think. A tear runs down my cheek as I watch the water of the river flow in the dim moon light, refusing to let other ones fall. Is this what heartbreak feels like? Because it hurts like hell.

When I saw the picture... I didn't want it to be true. I suppressed the thought but when I saw her face to face again, all my emotions just turned into anger and hurt.

How could she? I take my phone out, to look at the picture again. My heart aching at the sight. Who knows since when Maggie is seeing him. Maybe even longer than three week?

Frustrated, I pull on my hair. But who took the picture? There is something off.I decide to do what I always do. Putting all my emotions into a song. I grab the guitar out of my trunk and start to play.

After a while I just sit there on the hood of my jeep, strumming some chords on my guitar, not able to hold back the tears anymore. Everything feels so... empty and I feel so weak. I hate this feeling.

My phones buzzes for the hundredth time, so I decide to look at it. Five messages and four missed calls from Maggie, one missed call from Aaliyah and two from my mom. Why are they all calling me?

I look at the time, it's already 11:34 pm. I was here for so long? Should I just ignore Maggie? I sigh clicking onto her messages anyways.
Princess❤️: Shawn please just let me talk!  Princess❤️: You don't even know the whole story! I didn't want to kiss him!
Princess❤️: He suddenly came to my house Shawn I didn't even know
Princess❤️: Where are you? Please I'm worried
I didn't let her explain that's true... but why should I believe her? Her ex came to her house, after such a long time? „Shawn?" I hear a voice call my name. I turn around
quickly to see Luc walking towards me.

„There you are!" he chuckles but immediately stops when he sees my probably still red eyes. „Man what happened?" he asks concerned and sits next to me.

„Why are you here?" I ask quietly, trying to hide my sore voice. „Aaliyah was really worried about you so here I am." He explains. „What happened between you and Maggie?" „How do you know?"

„Well I guessed, why else would you've been crying." he says, patting my shoulder. „I wasn't..." I mumble, putting my guitar away. „Yeah sure." Luc responses sarcastically. „Tell me. Maybe I can help." I sigh, taking my phone out to show him the picture.

He looks at it for a while, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. „Who is that boy?" he asks. „Her ex." I answer, looking back onto the river. „So you think she cheated on you?" „I don't think so, I know so! Isn't it obvious?" I mutter, irritated.

„Wow I never thought she would do something like that... I'm sorry Shawn." he says sighing. I could feel the tears brim in my eyes again. „I never thought that too." I whisper, my voice cracking.

„Did she say it?" Luc question, raising his eyebrows. „No but..." I say looking at him. „See you didn't let her talk right? I know Maggie as long as you do. I've never heard of an ex but she would never do something like that Shawn." He says, giving me my phone back.

„How do you know?" „You obviously didn't see her when you were in New York. She's so in love with you Shawn and you are too. At least let her explain." Luc says. „You are right." I say, realizing I was maybe overreacting.

She wouldn't do that, right? I take a deep breath and hop off the car hood. „I'm going to talk to her now." „Wait." Luc says, standing up to. Give me your phone." I just look at him confused. „What do y-."

„Just show me the picture again." he demands. I unlock my phone and give it to him. „The picture was made from outside. Why would someone take a picture of them? And how does this someone know that they were there?" Luc asks, worried.

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