Chaptet 50

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Maggie's POV:
"Is there someone jealous?" I tease him. He rolls his eyes and huffs. "I'm not jealous." "Oh sure so you'll let me go to my class now?" I chuckle. He stops walking and looks at me confused. "We have different classes now." I laugh.

„Oh." he sighs. "Shawn no need to be jealous of Jackson. I love you and only you." I whisper in his ear and kiss him. "Mhm." He mumbles and smiles slightly. "I love you too." "Oh Shawn do you have time today?" I ask remembering about Shelley. "Yeah why?" He smirks.

I roll my eyes at him. "Shelley asked us to have a double date with her and Luc. We are going to the movies." "Sure. I'll pick you up after school." He says and wraps his arms around my waist. "Okey." I say and kiss his cheek but before I could walk away Shawn picks me up and starts to twirl me around.

„Shawn stop!" I laugh feeling dizzy. Shawn puts me on the ground again and I stumble back. He catches me and gives me a long kiss. I sigh against his lips. I would love to stay like this forever.

The bell rings signaling the start of the next lesson. "See you then." Shawn says and walks to his class. I have math now. Oh god. I don't want so see Mrs. Havard now. She hates me even more now because I "accidentally" poured chocolate milk over all the tests.

It's the last period anyways. I can ditch it. "Hey Maggie." Aiden says smiling slightly as he walks up to me. "Hey. What are you doing here?" I ask. "I'm definitely not ditching my history lesson." He says making a weird hand gesture.

„Oh well and I'm definitely mot ditching maths. So we can surely mot ditch together?" I ask raising my eyebrows. "Of course not." He chuckles and we walk out of the building to the benches.

I would have asked Shawn to leave school earlier but I don't want to get in the way of his new motivated self. He said that needs to have good grade if he wants to have a career as a singer.

We sit down in silence. It's not an awkward silence but I notice that Aiden is bothering something. "What's on your mind?" "What do you mean?" he sighs not looking at me.

"I know that something's both you and if you want to talk about it you can tell me." I shrug and look at the empty streets again. Aiden moves so he can face me and starts to play with his fingers.

„It's about... umm.. it's about Leah." He says looking at me for a reaction. I just nod waiting for him to tell me. "I just...I don't understand how she could do something like that. She seemed so sweet and caring bit I mean who would do that to their best friend?" Aiden sighs.

„Sorry if I talk about that. It's okey if you don't-" "It's okey. I actually want to talk about it. Aiden I know that you have feelings for Leah and I'm sure she would give you a chance. So don't give up on her." I say causing him so smile.

„What about you? Are you going to forgive her?" Aiden asks. "That's want I'm asking myself for two weeks now. What do you think? Should I ?"  I question him frustrated.

"Maggie... I honestly don  know. It was pretty f*cked up of her but is it worth for you to save years of friendship?" "You are right. I'll think about it. I just don't understand why she didn't it talk to me in the first place." I sigh and lean my head onto the table in front of the bench.

Aiden pats my shoulder nodding. "Let's not talk about me anymore. I heard from Luc that Shawn is going to record his own song. That's awesome." Aiden states smiling. "Yeah it is." I mumble half heartedly.

„Now tell me, what's wrong?" "Nothing." I say shrugging. Aiden just looks at me with that "don't act like nothing's wrong" look. I sigh and lean my head on my hand. "I'm just worried." I say. "Worried?" He asks.

„Yeah I mean, Shawn will probably play at a few locations. He's going to be away for three weeks. What if his career will get bigger? I would definitely be so happy for him. But what if he forgets me? Or if he's away for longer and longer but he doesn't want a long distance relationship?" I ramble.

„Maggie..." Aiden says but I interrupt him. "I'm overreacting right? I shouldn't just think about myself. If it makes him happy I should be happy too." I say frowning.

"Maggie listen. I don't know you and Shawn as long as the others do but I've never seen someone who loves a girl as much as Shawn loves you. I'm sure he would never leave you, let alone forget you! If he's really going to become a singer I'm sure that you two can work this out." Aiden says smiling.

"Thanks." I whisper and hug him quickly. I needed to get that out of me. I'm just worrying too much again. Right? We sit there for the rest of the lesson talking a bit. "Oh god." Aiden gasps as he looks at his phone.

„What happened?" I ask. "Leah is in the hospital. "What?" "Leah is in the hospital! She got shot." Aiden says and stands up.

Complicated Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon